Three Shades Of Foxes Captured In One Image Showcases the Animal’s Diverse Beauty

You’re probably familiar with the common red fox, but did you know there are many other fox species around the world that have their own distinct shade of fur? Moscow-based photographer Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya decoded to capture the diverse beauty of the mystical forest creatures in a recent image, titled Autumn Equinox, featuring three women holding three different colored foxes.

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Plants overrun housing project in Chengdu, turning ‘eco-paradise’ into mosquito-infested jungle

I Ji BEIJING (AFP) – An experimental green housing project in a Chinese megacity promised prospective residents life in a “vertical forest”, with manicured gardens on every balcony. An experimental green housing project in a Chinese megacity promised prospective residents life in a “vertical forest”, with manicured gardens on every balcony.

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