Ecological planting management of tropical parks

Research Period: Oct 2017 – Oct 2020

Team: Hwang Yun Hye (PI), Patil Mayura Anil (RA), Yue Zi En Jonathan (RA)

Collaborator: Tobias Baur & Faiz bin Zohri (Ramboll Studio Dreiseitl), Chang huai-yan, Ng Sze Oun & Qing Xian (Salad Dressing Landscape), Foo Maosheng  (Insect survey, NUS), Lee Rachel & Chan Jie Yi (Bird survey, NUS), Ananthanarayanan Sankar (Reptile survey, NUS), Movin Nyanasengeran (Aquatic Fauna Survey, NUS)

Project description:

The research aims to suggest ecological design and management strategies through a long term flora and fauna observations of tropical parks. We selected three urban green spaces in Singapore (Bishan-AMK Park, Esplanade Forecourts, Enabling Village) that have been developed under the ecological planting initiative and documented changes of flora & fauna and landscapes from the initial design stage till now. Lessons from the works include factor analysis of vegetative changes, design and management strategies promoting urban biodiversity towards ecologically resilient urban green spaces in Singapore. Ultimately, the research is projected to provide an impetus for new insights into ecological enhancements of the context of the urbanized Asian city, bridging between academic research and landscape practices.

*The project is funded by MOE (AcRF) TIER 1 R-295-000-146-114 ‘Uncovering ecological design potential to promote the spontaneous growth of plants in a tropical city’


Hwang, Y.H., Roscoe, C.J. and Yue, Z.E.J., 2022. Public perceptions of vegetation changes in a tropical urban parkSN Social Sciences2(2), pp.1-20.

Hwang, Y.H., See, S.C. and Patil, M.A., 2021. Short-term vegetation changes in tropical urban parks: Patterns and design-management implicationsUrban Forestry & Urban Greening64, p.127240.

Hwang, Y.H. and Jonathan Yue, Z.E., 2019. Intended wildness: Utilizing spontaneous growth for biodiverse green spaces in a tropical city. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 14(1), pp.54-63.

HWANG Yun Hye, YUE Zi En Jonathan, and PATIL Mayura Anil, Rewilding Urban Green Spaces to Enhance BiodiversityCityGreen, 2019

Booklet of Bishan Park (2017-2019) and Enabling Village (2017-2019)

Landscape change analysis of Bishan park in 2012 (left) and 2018 (right).

The team shared mid-findings from three urban parks with involved designers, managers, and ecologists and opened a discussion on the challenges and opportunities of ecological landscape management, 17th Dec 2018.

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