Thank you for this class! I really enjoyed every seminar and am more interested than I’ve ever been in pollution-related issues.
To aid your navigation of this blog:
- From the latest post (this one), there will be a button on the left like this: <<. This button leads you to the previous post.
- From earlier posts, there will be a >> button on the right which leads you back to later posts.
This blog comprises a total of 26 posts (excluding this one), covering the theme of water pollution. Water plays a monumental part in, and intimately connects, ecosystems and society. Pollution of the ocean, lakes, rivers, beaches, groundwater aquifers etc. all involve complex natural and social phenomena. This is especially so since pollution is transboundary, crossing geopolitical borders. Complexity also comes in the form of corruption and the continuous pursuit of economic growth/financial gain. Given the chaos that comes with and follows pollutive activity, I have found this to be an incredibly intriguing area to explore in my posts.
I hope these blog topics are interesting to you as they are to me. Enjoy!
Warmest regards,