Green Beauty Influencers

November 10, 2020

Dear Humans, 

After all these blog posts, you may think ‘Yes, I want to be a Green user of beauty products. But how do I start? What brands should I use? What kind of routines should I follow?’ It may all be very daunting at first, but fret not, I am here to help you. Today, I will be introducing Instagram’s top eco-friendly beauty role models. They are very knowledgeable in the field and share their green beauty tips and tricks through Instagram posts. As you look through the profiles of these influencers, be sure to look out for your preferences so that you can see whose routines suit you best. Let’s begin!


  1. @gurlgonegreen

@gurlgonegreen started her quest to go green in her beauty routines 10 years ago. She is currently a mother of 3, and constantly sets up courses for her followers to learn new beauty routines. She focuses on natural cleaners so that her children are not exposed to toxic chemicals at such a young age. She does blog posts to share about her favourites that she frequently uses for cleaning  Also, she believes that a clean and consistent routine would go a long way for one’s skin care as well. To mothers out there looking for a green beauty role model, @gurlgonegreen would be perfect for you. 

Figure 1: @gurlgonegreen instagram page 


  1. @organicbunny

Many have the misconception that you cannot have a beautiful makeup look if you use organic products. Here’s where @organicbunny proves you wrong. They believe that an organic lifestyle can also be glamorous. They organise Question and Answer sessions where their  followers can clear their doubts. They then use these questions for their blog where it can reach an even wider audience. After researching for a little longer than 5 years, they use their expertise to spread the word about green beauty. They even have an online store that sells organic beauty products and others. If you’re looking for a glamourous beauty routine that’s organic, what are you waiting for? Follow @organicbunny now!

Figure 2: @organicbunny’s instagram page 


I have introduced several green beauty influencers that have different specialities. When looking out for these influencers, be sure to find those that you relate with most. I’m sure you’ll be able to find suitable green beauty role models that you look up to. Good luck! 


Exuberant vibes,

Mother Nature 


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