Consumers – Personal Experience (Rexanne)

October 4, 2020

Hi friends, I’m back!

Previously I shared with you my experience with shopping for beauty products, today I will share more about my experience with beauty products after learning more about the environmental consequences. As I have mentioned previously, I have never purchased my beauty products with an environmentally friendly mindset. After understanding how my actions and choices would have an impact on the environment, I took the chance to change my ways and be a greener consumer. In the past posts about the harmful consequences and air pollution that air fresheners and fragrance products can bring about, I threw away the gel air freshener that I have in my bathroom. Prior to this, my family would often purchase the Glade Gel Air Freshener in hopes to freshen up our bathroom with the artificial lavender scent. The alternative that I have adopted was to allow greater ventilation to allow fresher air into the bathroom. 

Apart from discarding my air fresheners, I have also learned to share my beauty products with my sisters so that we can collectively reduce our individual spending and usage of different products. By sharing the products that we already owned with each other, it reduces our need to purchase newer items. For instance, my sisters and I would share a bottle of shampoo (x1) instead of each of us owning our own (x3). Through sharing, our carbon footprint was shared by 3. For those who do not have siblings, you can consider sharing shower products with your parents instead. 

Other than splitting my carbon footprint with my sisters to reduce my environmental footprints, I also learned that I do not need 50 different eyeshadow palettes where most of them are being chucked aside and I really only use 1. Instead of committing a buying spree every time my favourite make-up line releases a new collection, I should reconsider and think about what I already own and only buy what I need. All right, I will stop here and next time Crystal and I will share more tips and tricks on how to minimise your environmental footprint by changing your consumption patterns!

Cheerful vibes,


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