Case study: Carbon footprint of beauty products

September 24, 2020

Dear Humans,

Most of the time we do not see the big picture when we are using certain beauty products. You may have considered that the production of the bottle may have contributed to certain emissions. But, have you ever thought of emissions produced during consumption and the end-of-life of the product? At every stage of the beauty product one uses, carbon is emitted. Hence, I will be discussing the topic of carbon footprint and how it has enlarged in today’s world. 

Carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide released as a result of certain activities (Radu, Scrieciu, & Caracota, 2013). To calculate the carbon footprint of a beauty product, ever part of the product will be traced (Francke & Castro, 2013). For instance, one has to take into account the distribution system, the manufacturing process and ultimately to its original source. To add on, the packaging and sealing processes have to be included as well. Thus, a single beauty product can produce a massive carbon footprint. 

On the bright side, these carbon footprints can be put to good use. The carbon footprints that are calculated can be utilised to examine their production processes and reduce their emissions. There are numerous beauty product companies that are going carbon neutral. Let’s take a look.


Pure Skin Food

(Source: Vegconomist, 2020)


Pure Skin food aims to be carbon neutral, where their production and packaging methods are aimed at being as environmentally friendly as possible (Pure Skin Food, n.d.). Their packaging is made from recycled and plastic free materials. An impressive feat is that their production, which requires electricity, is obtained by using their own photovoltaic system. For their non-avoidable carbon emissions, an eco-social initiative is organised to offset it. 


Is it really possible to go carbon neutral? 

In reality, many beauty companies depend largely on carbon offsetting rather than reducing actual carbon emissions (Dazed beauty, 2020). For the amount of carbon emissions they produce, the company purchases credits and uses these credits to fund environmental projects. These projects include tree planting and green energy related initiatives. As fair as this sounds, it does not target the root cause of the problem. Carbon will still be emitted and trying to make up for it by funding green projects will not allow one to truly achieve carbon neutrality. 


Hence, it takes research and understanding of production and manufacturing processes to work towards carbon neutrality (Bom, Jorge, Ribeiro, & Marto, 2019). If companies continue to adopt the mindset and methods of carbon off-setting, the situation of an increasing carbon footprint due to beauty products will remain stagnant. Do your part!


Promising vibes, 

Mother Nature 



Bom, S., Jorge, J., Ribeiro, H., & Marto, J. (2019). A step forward on sustainability in the cosmetics industry: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 270-290. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.03.255

Carbon-Neutral Organic Cosmetics by PURE SKIN FOOD – vegconomist – the vegan business magazine. (2019, November 18). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from

Francke, I., & Castro, J. (2013). Carbon and water footprint analysis of a soap bar produced in Brazil by Natura Cosmetics. Water Resources and Industry, 1-2, 37-48. doi:10.1016/j.wri.2013.03.003

PURE SKIN FOOD – 100% Organic & Vegan Cosmetics. (n.d.). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from

Radu, A. L., Scrieciu, M. A., & Caracota, D. M. (2013). Carbon Footprint Analysis: Towards a Projects Evaluation Model for Promoting Sustainable Development. Procedia Economics and Finance, 6, 353-363. doi:10.1016/s2212-5671(13)00149-4

What does ‘carbon neutral beauty’ actually mean? (2020, April 22). Retrieved September 25, 2020, from


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