The Voices behind Mother Nature (Rexanne)

August 25, 2020

Hi friends,

I am Rexanne, a Year 3 NUS Geography major. Before I begin, take a minute to ponder. How often do you wash your face with a cleanser? How often do you brush your teeth? How often do you shampoo your hair? All these ordinary activities we do everyday mindlessly are actually slowly ruining our planet. Personally, the thought of my vanity harming the planet has never ever crossed my mind. And I’m guessing I’m not the only one. Thus, Crystal and I saw the need to help everyone including ourselves recognise how our seemingly ordinary lifestyles can lead to detrimental impacts on the environment.

Let’s reexamine our daily beauty regimen and the amount of products involved. 

My basic daily routine consists of:

                  • Brushing my teeth 
                  • Washing my face
                  • Putting on make-up
                  • Applying deodorant/perfume 
                  • Removing my make-up
                  • Washing my face
                  • Showering

Beauty products that I use on a daily basis

Just these simple tasks require so many products ranging from a toothbrush to shampoos to cotton pads! Also, a not-so-fun fact about your air fresheners and perfumes is that long term usage can actually cause you to suffer from adverse health impacts. How shocking is it to hear that such an ordinary product can actually ruin our health?! Apart from that, have you ever wondered what happens before and after you use your products? Continue to read our blog and we will unravel the ugly side of beauty together! 


Cheery vibes,



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