The Red Stone is an undergraduate journal of NUS Philosophy founded in August 2020 and organised by members of the NUS Philosophy cohort. It is an independent student organisation located at the National University of Singapore (NUS) and does not reflect nor express the policies, opinions or reputation of NUS and/or its affiliated representatives.

The journal itself is a semesterly publication. Its editorial mission is to provide a platform for NUS philosophy students to showcase and express their philosophical ideas and work, while also providing publishing and editorial opportunities for the cohort.

We do allow NUS alumni within one year of their graduation date to submit manuscripts to us. Details on author eligibility can be found in the Submissions section. Queries to the editor may be sent by email to

We will soon be releasing details on our plans for issues in Summer 2024!

Our latest release, Volume 3, Issue 1 Winter 2023, is available for download in the Volumes section.

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Blog.nus accounts will move to SSO login, tentatively before the start of AY24/25 Sem 2. Once implemented, only current NUS staff and students will be able to log in to Blog.nus. Public blogs remain readable to non-logged in users. (More information.)

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