Killing spree by stray dogs on human-modified environments

Hi everyone! Previously I shared my observations of Free-ranging domestic dog (FRDDs) packs. Not only are the pack gaining more dog members, I realised that the FRDD packs are venturing into residential areas more frequently as well. These occurrences started happening after the establishment of new residential flats in Tampines.

“Stray dogs entering residential areas”. Photo by Liza Hamid, with permission

This photo was from 7 November 2018, which coincides with the construction period of Build-To-Order flats in Tampines. I wonder if this observation has got to do with the increasing land use for residential areas. If so, are they venturing to new territories they have yet to explore?

Indeed, there were reports by some park visitors of the stray dog packs in Tampines nature parks under the National Parks Board. I suspect there would be an increased probability of dog-wildlife conflict in the parks, considering there are stray dog-cat conflicts.

    “Fatal attack of a cat by stray dogs” Photo by Rachel Ong


My suspicion is confirmed by the predation on primates by FRDDs in Bukit Timah Reserve (Riley et al., 2015). It was observed that a pack of 3FRDDs killed a juvenile Long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis). Though Singapore’s Animal Veterinary Authority has culled 360 macaques in 2013 in response to 920 complaints from residents living near the reserve borders or park visitors, of “monkey nuisance”. The Macaca fascicularis is considered “Vulnerable” under the IUCN Red List, meaning they face high extinction risk in the wild.

The unfortunate attack happened on a man-made bicycle path within the reserve. Well, being on an anthropogenic landscape has decreased the macaque’s probability of survival since it was not on a tree where the dogs cannot reach, nor did it had time to respond and climb onto trees. Hence, one seemingly harmless man-made path raised the susceptibility of the prey to FRDD attacks. This occurrence reflects my sentiment on how anthropogenic factors are tied to the increasing impacts of FRDDs.

I wondered if humans have unknowingly paved the way for FRDDs in becoming effective predators of wildlife species, with our modifications to the environment?  Let us investigate if Australia has magnified impacts of FRDD due to human-modified environments.

The study by Taylor et al. (2018) addresses how the environmental impacts by FRDD could potentially be amplified by urbanisation. The data collected from Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital and Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre showed that dog attacks were the second most common reason for wildlife to be admitted for medical treatment, with car strikes being the first. It was highlighted that Koala bears (Phascolarctos cinereus), classified as vulnerable under IUCN Red List, were attacked by FRDDs in urbanised areas at bridges and telegraph poles. This signifies how human-modified environments not only cause habitat loss and habitat fragmentation, but it could also facilitate hunting of wildlife by dogs as well.

This highlights the need for wildlife conservation methods to be reconsidered in the process of urban expansion, with the FRDDs in mind.

I’ll side-track here: Do you think the culling of Macaques by Singapore is appropriate or just a knee-jerk reaction to complaints? The vulnerability of the Macaca fascicularis species reflects the intra-specific taxa assessment of the subspecies Macaca fascicularis ssp. philippensis in Philippines, threatened by sport hunting, research purposes and consumption by humans. On the other hand, the macaque is considered invasive under the Global Invasive Species Database (GISD), managed by IUCN, due to their impacts on native biodiversity. Isn’t Singapore doing biodiversity a favour? I’ll discuss more about environmental ethics in decision making related to FRDD in my next post!


Eudey, A., Kumar, A., Singh, M. & Boonratana, R. 2020. Macaca fascicularis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T12551A17949449. Downloaded on 30 October 2020.

Riley Koenig, Crystal & Koenig, Bryan & Gumert, Michael. (2015). Observation of a fatal dog attack on a juvenile long-tailed macaque in a human-modified environment in Singapore. Nature in Singapore. 8. 57-63.

Taylor-Brown A, Booth R, Gillett A, Mealy E, Ogbourne SM, et al. (2019) The impact of human activities on Australian wildlife. PLOS ONE 14(1): e0206958.

Woinarski, J. & Burbidge, A.A. 2020. Phascolarctos cinereus (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T16892A166496779. Downloaded on 30 October 2020.

It’s all about poop

Hi everyone! I always get myself into weird situations and… I actually ended up on the news.

Most importantly from the incident, the cat (with an owner) was trapped due to “repeated feedback regarding cat defecation and urination outside a resident’s unit”. This highlights the issue where owned free-ranging domestic cats (FRDC) may defecate around residential areas.The cleaners would have to clean up, usually with buckets of water, adding onto Singapore’s water consumption levels.


Now I’ll share with you a greater problem of defecation highlighted by Dr. Coleman, on how this natural body process can escalate into a disaster for wildlife. Let us look at the Sea otters (Enhydra lutris), and why their population numbers are not improving.

The otters were listed threatened in 1977 under the Endangered Species Act by the US Fish and Wildlife Services, with a population index below 3090 for three consecutive years (Carswell, n.d.). With the population threatened by the hunt for its fur and oil spills. To add fuel to the fire, it was discovered in 1996 that Toxoplasma gondii was one of the culprits of dead Otters of Montreal Bay. Unfortunately, this parasite penetrates and damages the brain tissue, eventually leading to death.

What’s surprising: Only Felidae family members are definitive hosts of Toxoplasma, including cats.

Let us track how the Toxoplasma gondii ended up in the oceans.

In 2013, the otters were considered endangered under the IUCN Red list as they face a high risk of extinction in the wild. It is worrying as otters are keystone species that maintain the kelp forest ecosystem. One of its valuable functions in protecting kelp forest is by consuming sea urchins, preventing the takeover of kelp forest with “urchin barrens”, which damages the ecosystem and other marine species.

However, it’s not all the FRDC’s fault that the toxoplasma ends up in the sea. With a growing population and increasing urbanization, forests and grasslands are replaced with impervious pavements. These impermeable surfaces result in a larger surface runoff as compared to the permeable soil that was previously removed. As such, more fecal pathogens can be carried to the sea. This also increases the runoff pollutants to wetlands, changing its water quality, and promoting wetland degradation. Ironically, the forest, grassland, and wetland all serve as natural filters that can filter out pathogens entering the water, including Toxoplasma (Aguiar et al., n.d).

To end off, otters are sentinel species, where sudden mass mortality serves as the detection of upcoming health threats posed to humans. This is especially due to otters’ vulnerability to anthropogenic diseases and parasites (Jessup et al., 2004).

The least we can do is to keep our cats indoors, and less water containing defecation would be washed directly into the sea without treatment.

Paws out!


Aguiar, D., Shapiro, K., Cox, J. and Ancheta, C., n.d. How A Parasite In Cats Is Killing Sea Otters. [online] EVOTIS. Available at: <> [Accessed 23 October 2020].

Carswell, L., n.d. Southern Sea Otter. [online] US Fish & Wildlife Service. Available at: <,the%20primary%20reasons%20for%20listing.> [Accessed 23 October 2020].

Jessup, David & Miller, Melissa & Ames, Jack & Harris, Mike & Johnson, Christine & Conrad, Patricia & Mazet, Jonna. (2004). Southern Sea Otter as a Sentinel of Marine Ecosystem Health. EcoHealth. 1. 239-245. 10.1007/s10393-004-0093-7.

National Sea Grant College Program. (2002, December 23). Parasite In Cats Killing Sea Otters. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 20, 2020 from

Cats are tigers afterall

Hi everyone! For this week, let me share with you a “crime scene” I witnessed on 10 August 2020.

“Malaysian Pied Fantail” by Tony Castro

The victim is a Sunda Pied Fantail (Rhipidura javanica). It was unfortunately killed by this free-ranging domestic cat (FRDC).

As a veterinary nurse, I instinctively wanted to save the bird, but it was visible that the muscles have stiffened via rigor mortis – meaning it has died for some time. The cat did not seem to be interested in consuming the bird and left. I analysed the bird’s body but did not find any blood or bite wounds, from this I recall a myth that birds can be frightened to death from getting chased by predators…? Out of curiosity, I did a quick research to find out if anyone debunked that myth.

While I couldn’t find concrete articles if getting chased by predators can frighten birds to death. I did find out that fear of predators’ sounds has caused song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to alter nesting behaviour which reduced offspring numbers by 40% in a controlled study. Even though song sparrows are “least concerned” under IUCN, a change in the population numbers in one trophic level can potentially disrupt a whole ecosystem.

I’ll get back to the bigger picture – Cat predation.

Pie-chart of predation numbers in the United States, statistics by Loss et al. (2013)

In a study by Loss et al. (2013), predation numbers were derived using probability distribution parameters based on different studies here  Additionally, the FRDCs have caused extinctions of 63 species worldwide (Doherty et al., 2016). All the unique adaptation processes developed through evolution, all gone.

I can’t imagine how many ecosystems have been disrupted and the ecological processes that are lost – such as seed dispersal and pollination by the birds (Trouwborst et al., 2020). The reduced seed dispersal rates inevitably lower the abundance of producers (usually plants) that form the base of the food chains of all ecosystems. The plants photosynthesise using sunlight to produce glucose, allowing energy to flow from one trophic level to another. Not to forget the medicinal values the native plants may carry and how they regulate our atmosphere via oxygen production.

It’s no wonder Feline catus is listed as one of the top 100 invasive species in the world by IUCN.

Previously, I did not cover how stray dogs are “invasive alien species” as well. Why are stray dogs and cats termed as aliens, the extra-terrestrial beings? The domesticated dog and cat species have no native range of their own, meaning they do not occur naturally in the wild. This is especially since humans have controlled their breeding process and even their distribution. In the case humans intentionally or unintentionally introduce the domesticated species into the natural wild spaces, they become “aliens”. Needless to say, they are invasive due to their threats to wildlife and native biodiversity.

To end off, owned FRDCs with outdoor access contributes to about 744,000 of the annual bird mortality rate. I believe that these 744k deaths can easily be prevented if only the owners have kept them in their homes securely, a simple move, to minimise threats to biodiversity.

Since humans introduced these domesticated species into the natural spaces, it’s time we do more to help.

Paws out!



Doherty, T. S., Glen, A. S., Nimmo, D. G., Ritchie, E. G., & Dickman, C. R. (2016). Invasive predators and global biodiversity loss. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113, 11261–11265.

Loss, S., Will, T. & Marra, P. The impact of free-ranging domestic cats on wildlife of the United States. Nat Commun 4, 1396 (2013).

Trouwborst, A, McCormack, PC, Martínez Camacho, E. Domestic cats and their impacts on biodiversity: A blind spot in the application of nature conservation law. People Nat. 2020; 2: 235– 250.

Bridging Rabies to wildlife

Hi everyone!

This week I want to share with you my trip to the coastal farms. Let me show you this video on Animal Veterinary Service’s rabies vaccination exercise for dogs, where Rabies is a zoonotic disease that can spread from animals to humans and other animals.

Vaccination for dogs on floating farms. 

As we traveled to various coastal farms, I pondered why Singapore is worried about the dogs that are offshore and on seemingly isolated coastal farms. I spoke to the veterinarians and found out that dogs are mostly stray dogs and utilised as guard dogs. As mentioned by Dr. Fernandez, the dogs are mostly unsupervised and can get Rabies by swimming to watercraft from other countries (Goh, 2019).  Turns out, dogs can swim very well!

Meaning to say, free-ranging domestic dogs (FRDD) can be the perfect recipe for a disastrous spread of rabies, if not managed well. I can imagine how hard it is to manage and monitor the spread of diseases in countries that has a much greater FRDD population than Singapore.

Other than the fact that rabies extremely fatal to humans, its zoonotic potential extends to wildlife as well. Unfortunately, the endangered species of Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis) is not spared from the disease. In 2004 on the Bale Mountains of Ethiopia, there was an outbreak of Rabies resulting in 38 deaths of Ethiopian Wolves. The number may seem small, but their population of 300 is not huge to begin with (Randall, 2005).

“Ethiopian Wolf with rodent prey” by Magnus.

And their cause of death?

The FRDDs!

The period of outbreak coincides with the appearance FRDDs with signs of rabies around their habitat. Though how it transmits from FRDD to the dogs were not discovered, Rabies mainly transmit through bites, but can also spread through open wounds, eyes, and lips via infectious saliva (Rabies, 2020).

So what makes them “Endangered” under the IUCN Red List? The wolves are threatened by habitat loss due to agriculture. With only 197 mature Ethiopian wolves left to produce offspring, it is time to question farming methods like pastoralist grazing, where farmers move their livestock to a new land when the previous land is overgrazed. This farming method not only takes up space, but it also wipes out the habitat of the wolves’ prey, the Giant Mole Rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus), which is an endangered species under the IUCN Red List.  Let’s not forget the angry farmers who killed the wolves for murdering their cattle (or were the true culprits the dogs?).

Since the Ethiopian wolves are keystone species, they have direct influences on their food webs. The declining numbers would highly impact the ecosystem and cause a collapse (Keystone Species, n.d.). Moreover, changes to ecosystem cues the chance for FRDDs or any other invasive species to invade it.

Though not intentionally, the FRDDs are undeniably carriers or hotbed for pathogens. Their presence itself will always pose a threat to the whole ecosystem via transmitting diseases to wildlife.

To add on to the never-ending list of problems, there are other diseases like Canine Distemper Virus and others here that FRDDs can be transmitted to wildlife as well. Though there are rabies vaccination programs for FRDDs, in 2008, another rabies outbreak caused 75% of the Ethiopian wolves to die (Reproductive Physiology of Ethiopian wolves, n.d.).

How do we then protect wildlife species?


Goh, T., 2019. Anti-Rabies Operation On Dogs On Coastal Farms Keeps Singapore Safe From Virus. [online] The Straits Times. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 October 2020].

National Geographic Society. n.d. Keystone Species. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 October 2020].

Randall, Dashaun & Williams, Stuart & Kuzmin, Ivan & Rupprecht, Charles & Tallents, Lucy & Tefera Ashenafi, Zelealem & Argaw, Kifle & Shiferaw, Fekadu & Knobel, Darryn & Sillero, Claudio & Laurenson, M. (2005). Rabies in Endangered Ethiopian Wolves. Emerging infectious diseases. 10. 2214-7. 10.3201/eid1012.040080.

World Health Organisation. 2020. Rabies. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 October 2020].

Effects of dog predatory behaviour on the environment

Hi everyone! This week, I want to share an exciting observation I made on the Free-ranging domestic dogs (FRDDs), a.k.a street dogs.

Out of curiosity and love for dogs, I always lookout FRDDs in the field near Tampines IKEA. Nowadays, I see more FRDDs roaming in packs, and the packs are getting bigger! Previously, it was more common for me to spot them in solitary or pairs. And my recent observation? A pack of 8 stray dogs!

Solitary dog in 2016.

FRDD dog pack from Tampines field in 2020


I realised that the dog packs appeared after the new establishments of HDB flats in Tampines. I guess that the urbanization involving the use of land space has shrunk the usual natural spaces these FRDDs can roam, creating more chances to encounter one another and have greater chances to form packs.

This made me wonder, knowing that FRDDs know how to form packs, this surely would have more impacts on the environment. When I was young, I was always in denial when my father told me about how the village dogs (unowned FRDD) would team up to hunt for birds. I mean, aren’t they fed enough? Well, turns out I was wrong. According to Bonanni & Cafazzo (2014), FRDDs prefer to hunt cooperatively in a pack than solitarily, especially in places with suitable prey and fewer food resources by humans. I was curious about what types of prey FRDDs would predate on and how this predatory behaviour contributes to loss of biodiversity, so I did some research to find out more!

In India, FRDD packs compete with the Indian Wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) for the Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra). On top of that, Jhala & Giles (1991) reported that the FRDDs killed the Antilope fawns. This worries me as they even attack young fawns, would there be enough surviving offspring to maintain their species? Moreover, the Indian Wolf species are listed as “Endangered” under the Wildlife Protection Act, with an estimate of only 3000 of them left. The competition with FRDD is an energetically costly behaviour, which I feel can affect the wolf’s daily activities and behaviour (Too tired to mate perhaps?).

Even though Blackbucks are classified “Least concerned” under the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of threatened species, I do feel that the predation of any wildlife species by the FRDDs can pose a significant threat to the environment.

Let us look at this food web I made to better illustrate the significance of the FRDD predation and how interconnected food chains are in the forest ecosystem of India.

From this, we can see that due to the competition with FRDD for Blackbuck, the Indian wolves may resort to consuming more of other prey within their diet, for example, the Indian Hares (Lepus nigricollis). Unfortunately, the Indian Hares are also part of the food chain for the Indian leopard, which is classified as “Vulnerable” under the IUCN Red List, meaning the leopards face high extinction rates in the wild without interventions. The Indian leopard would tend to consume other prey within its diet, which are part of other food chains. Ultimately, this affects the entire ecosystem, where a change in the population numbers in one trophic level can cause a cascade effect, a chain of events that disrupt a balanced ecosystem of the environment, leading to loss of biodiversity of wildlife.

For my next post, let’s see how free-ranging domestic cats impact the environment!

Paws out!


Bonanni, R and Cafazzo, S. (2014). The Social Organisation of a Population of Free-Ranging Dogs in a Suburban Area of Rome: A Reassessment of the Effects of Domestication on Dogs’ Behaviour. 10.1016/B978-0-12-407818-5.00003-6.

Hughes, J. and Macdonald, D. (2013). A review of the interactions between free-roaming domestic dogs and wildlife. Biological Conservation, 157, pp.341-351.

Jhala, Y. and Giles, R. (1993). The status and conservation of the wolf in Gujarat and Rajasthan, India. Biological Conservation, 63(3), p.276.