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Pollution of Food waste – Eat it! Don’t waste it (III)

Campaigns and habits

The government has implemented several food waste campaign approaches for us. The most recent being Food Waste Reduction Campaign in 2019 launched by the National Environmental agency. As more of us are eating out, they aim to highlight key actions that we as consumers can do to reduce wastage. Actions such as ordering only what we can finish; asking for less rice/noodles if you can’t finish them; and saying ‘No’ to side dishes you won’t eat (Todayonline, 2019).  

Statistics on the opinions of food wastage, Source: NEA

We, as individuals, should take ownership in reducing food wastage instead of relying on government outreach efforts. Because after all, we are responsible for this problem. We can also recycle or treat food, such that we maximize their usage. This can also include redistribution of unsold and excess food by redirecting it to where it can be utilized. By working together with The Food Bank Singapore, Food from the Heart and other organizations, unsold and excess food can be donated to minimize wastage and its impact on the environment. For food that cannot be recycled, there are waste-to-energy (WTE) plants that incinerate the food and use it to produce electricity (NEA, n.d.). 

As individuals, the first step in reducing food wastage is to identify our waste habits. Our purchasing and consumption routines must be deconstructed; Are we throwing away food often because it is expired? Or are we always having leftovers regularly? Thereafter, we can attempt to adjust our routine habits in order to reduce food wastage.  

At the end of the day, it is our duty as concerned citizens to ensure that Singapore does not suffer the consequences of food wastage. You have a part to play in reducing food wastage, will you join hands with us in doing so? 




NEA. (n.d.) Waste-to-energy incineration plants. Retrieved  from 

Todayonline (2019) About Half of Food Waste from Non-domestic Sources, Businesses Taking Steps Minimise Wastage. Retrieved from 


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