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E-Waste – The environmental issue of the 21st Century (II)

Continuing from the previous posts, we shall examine what companies have done to mitigate the impacts and also how, we as an individual can do our part. 

What has been done? 

E-Waste Recycling bins in Singapore. Currently, there are 457 RENEW bins located at 415 locations nationwide, Source: Straits Times

To promote corporate sustainability, manufacturers such as StarHub set up the REcycling Nation’s Electronic Waste (Renew) campaign to encourage consumers to recycle E-Waste (StarHub, n.d.). Singaporeans can recycle E-Waste conveniently by disposing them into the designated recycling bins. As E-Waste comprises of useful metals, they can be extracted and reused again to form new products. Any form of personal information is destroyed, preventing our data from being stolen. While this measure ensures that E-Waste is properly treated and recycled in an environmentally friendly way, there is a need for greater publicity of this measure to educate Singaporeans on how to recycle E-Waste as the majority of Singaporeans are uncertain of how to go about doing so (Today Singapore, 2018). 


What we can do? 

Although the above measure can help tackle this issue, there is only so much that organisations can do. The root of the problem starts with our consumption habits: We are responsible for the 60,000 tonnes of E-Waste generated every year (NEA, 2018). 

Before purchasing a new electronic device, ask yourself this question: Do I really need it? If you don’t need it, don’t buy it. By purchasing fewer electronic devices, we are lowering the volume of E-Waste in the environment and the cost of buying a new electronic device. Secondly, if your electronic devices are faulty, repair or recycle them. By cultivating these simple habits in our daily lives, we are doing our part to reduce E-Waste.  



StarHub. (n.d.). Corporate Sustainability. Retrieved from 

NEA. (2018). NEA To Implement E-waste Management System For Singapore By 2021. 

Today Singapore. (2018). Only 6 per cent of domestic e-waste ends up in recycling bins: NEA study. Retrieved from 

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