✿ Ukraine (III)

Hi everyone! Since we are talking about Ukraine, it is important to consider the war it is currently going through.

Russian forces have taken control over the Chernobyl power plants as of 25th February 2022. There have already been reports of spikes in radiation readings, possibly from the presence of heavy military vehicles churning up contaminated soil in Chernobyl. Even though the readings are low and don’t pose a danger to the public, there is still the danger of an accidental strike on the concrete shelter that contains the radiation still leaking from the reactor core.

Nevertheless, local scientists have shared their concerns over the future of Chernobyl. This war will most likely affect the continuation of research on radioactivity and the environment in Ukraine.

Furthermore, the Russians have taken control of Europe’s largest nuclear plant in Ukraine, the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Plant. One of the 6 reactors was caught on fire. Despite this, authorities report that radiation levels are not dangerous. Some claim that the plant’s reactors were protected by robust containment structures that were being safely shut down now that the war is culminating. But how protected are they? Ukraine’s president Zelenskyy has shared his fear of the end of Europe and the world, if the nuclear power plant explodes.

We are living in a very scary time. Let us hope that another nuclear disaster does not repeat itself, and that the Ukrainians manage to seek safety.


Heintz, J., Karmanau, Y. & Chernov, M. (2022) Russian Forces Take Control of Europe’s Biggest Nuclear Plant After Shelling It. 4 March. TIME. Available from: https://time.com/6154672/russian-troops-shell-zaporizhzhia-nuclear-plant/ [Accessed: 8 March 2022].

Lynn, B. (2022) Scientists Concerned about Ukraine War’s Effects on Chernobyl. 5 March. Available from: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/scientists-concerned-about-ukraine-war-s-effects-on-chernobyl/6468933.html [Accessed: 8 March 2022].

Polityuk, P. & Crellin, F. (2022) Ukraine Reports Higher Chernobyl Radiation after Russians Capture Plant. 26 February. Reuters. Available from: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-nuclear-agency-reports-higher-chernobyl-radiation-levels-due-heavy-2022-02-25/ [Accessed: 8 March 2022].

Savage, N. (2022) Russia Took Control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Site in Ukraine. What Does That Mean? 25 February. Available from: https://cen.acs.org/safety/Russia-took-control-Chernobyl-nuclear-site-in-Ukraine-What-does-that-mean/100/web/2022/02 [Accessed: 8 March 2022].

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