✿ Afghanistan (II)

Hi everyone! Today’s second post of the week will complement the previous post I made earlier in the week. Apart from air and water pollution, Afghanistan has to deal with nitrate pollution as well.

In Mahaqi et al.’s (2021) paper, I have learnt that nitrate is a common pollutant in many underdeveloped countries in Asia, including Afghanistan. Afghanistan experiences nitrate pollution mainly from domestic sewage, including latrines and cesspits. Latrines are toilets found in camps and cesspits are pits meant for the disposal of liquid waste. Kabul is Afghanistan’s capital, and the most polluted city in the country. The city lacks an effective sewage network, hence, allowing nitrate pollutants to seep into the city’s groundwater system. As seen in the image below, nitrates can enter groundwater sources through various ways, even when an proper sewage network is in place. Nevertheless, Mahaqi et al. suggest that a reactive barrier technique could potentially reduce the extent of nitrate pollution, by removing it from groundwater sources. According to them, this barrier is also relatively cheap and easy to install.

How Nitrate Enters Contaminates Water Sources (DVGW, n. d.)

I mentioned in my previous post that women and children are more affected by pollution than men. This claim is supported by the findings made by Rana et al. (2019). Many Afghan people depend on wood, animal dung, or coal for fuel to cook. This source of fuels are a primary source of indoor air pollutants. Their study found that children who were exposed to indoor air pollution were more likely to suffer from acute respiratory infections. Children have narrower airways and larger lung surfaces because of their underdeveloped epithelial linings of their lungs. As such, they are 50% more likely to inhale polluted air as compared to other older children.

A final paper that I found focuses on the links between terrorism and environmental pollution. This paper by Bildirici & Gokmenoglu (2020) researches on countries affected by terrorism – Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Syria, Somalia, Thailand, and Yemen. I plan to research on environmental pollution in Pakistan a few weeks from now, since it is considered the 2nd most polluted country in the world. If any of you are interested in learning about the other countries listed above, do update me, so that I can research and share my findings with you. Otherwise, it would be nice to know what you found when researching on these countries! Unsurprisingly, Bildirici & Gokmenoglu found that terrorism does exacerbate environmental pollution, not only because terrorism causes socio-economic and political problems (that inhibit the ability of societies to manage pollution), but also because high-tech equipment used in terrorist acts release a lot of pollutants into the atmosphere.

I look forward to researching more about the relationship between terrorism and pollution. If I do come across other interesting articles, I will be adding them into the comments section below, or make a separate post!

Up next, Bangladesh. See you in the next one! ✿


Bildirici, M. & Gokmenoglu, S. M. (2020) The Impact of Terrorism and FDI on Environmental Pollution: Evidence from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Syria, Somalia, Thailand and Yemen. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 81, 1-12. Available from: https://www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy1.nus.edu.sg/science/article/pii/S019592551930277X?via%3Dihub [Accessed: 20 January 2022].

DVGW (n. d.) Too Many Animals – too Little Land. Available from: https://www.dvgw.de/english-pages/topics/water/nitrates-and-drinking-water [Accessed: 20 January 2022].

IQAir (n. d.) World’s Most Polluted Countries 2020 (PM2.5). Available from: https://www.iqair.com/world-most-polluted-countries [Accessed: 20 January 2022].

Mahaqi, A., Mehiqi, M., Moheghy, M. A., Moheghi, M. M. & Hussainzadeh, J. (2021) Nitrate Pollution in Kabul Water Supplies, Afghanistan; Sources and Chemical Reactions: A Review. International Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03551-4 [Accessed: 20 January 2022].

Rana, J., Uddin, J., Peltier, R. & Oulhote, Y. Associations between Indoor Air Pollution and Acute Respiratory Infections among Under-Five Children in Afghanistan: Do SES and Sex Matter? (2019) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(16), 1-13. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6720819/?tool=pmcentrez&report=abstract [Accessed: 20 January 2022].

One thought on “✿ Afghanistan (II)”

  1. Hi everyone! I found this paper that discusses the 9/11 attacks and pollution. This environmental angle has not been widely examined, as compared to security perspectives of the events. You can read here: https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=https://www.google.com/&httpsredir=1&article=1134&context=wmelpr

    I also found a paper that examines pollution in Nigeria, influenced by terrorism. You check out this reflective piece here: https://search.informit.org/doi/epdf/10.3316/INFORMIT.912305982503924

    Terrorism is an evil on earth, and if it is not eliminated, our environments will suffer as much as we do

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