Impact Investing in Healthcare: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges

By Danielle Todesco 

The Southeast Asian healthcare ecosystem is undergoing a metamorphosis: disruptive technologies, innovative financing arrangements, and new delivery models are playing a crucial role in meeting the region’s evolving healthcare needs and growing demand. Public health trends such as population ageing and rising deaths tolls from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are being exacerbated by the lack of affordability of healthcare and the deterioration of public service provision in many developing countries. COVID-19 has illuminated the inability of many governments to respond timely and effectively to health crises, demonstrating the need for private capital to advance universal health coverage (UHC).

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Introduction to Social Investing

By Gandhar Desai 

COVID-19 has brought  the issue of sustainability into sharp focus across the world. Whether it’s the disproportionate impact of strict lockdowns on underserved groups or decrease in pollution levels because of the slowdown in economic activity, the pandemic has spurred a global dialogue on the socio-economic and environmental costs of continuing with ‘business as usual’.

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