Review: Air Pollution, Food Production and Food Security

harvesting crops in field
Harvest season in Pesotum, Illinois, by James Baltz, 2019, Unsplash.

When it comes to food production, air pollution is arguably much more prone to being overlooked than soil and water pollution, due to how it cannot be easily identified by the naked eye. 

However, another bigger issue is how we tend to only consider the impacts of air pollution from the perspectives of agriculture and public health. On the contrary, there have not been many studies performed on the wider implications of air pollution on food security. Today, our review of a journal article, Air pollution, food production and food security: A review from the perspective of food system, by Sun, Dai and Yu (2017) will focus on how air pollution brings about changes in our food system. 

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Devastatingly Dangerous Tools

Insect in a field
An insect in the middle of a field, by Joseph Northcutt, 2019, Unsplash.

Many of us strive for perfection in whatever we do, particularly if our livelihoods are at stake. Perhaps it is this goal of attaining “perfection” that compels us to eliminate anything which we determine to be undesirable, even if they are a part of how life works. In the context of agriculture, this would equate to the use of pesticides, in the name of ensuring healthy plant growth.

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