Review: The Nitrogen Dilemma

Farmer applying nitrogen fertiliser to crops.
A farmer applying nitrogen fertiliser to crops in North Yorkshire, England, by Steve Allen, n.d., Stock Images.

In my last post, I gave a quick overview of how chemical fertilisers can have both positive and negative impacts on nature and humans. For today, we will delve deeper into the widespread use of nitrogen fertilisers in global agriculture by reviewing this article published in the October 2019 issue of Geographical.

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Chemical Fertilisers – Vitamins or Steroids?

Fields of wheat
Fields of wheat in Ukraine, by Polina Rytova, 2018, Unsplash.

Farming is a career filled with uncertainties – imagine having your annual income (and even food source) being threatened by natural hazards, pests, weeds, and many more dangers that could leave you and your family without sufficient resources to improve your standard of living. Other than having to live with a poor harvest, you may also find yourself negotiating with wholesalers and customers to reach a compromise regarding the lack of supply. 

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