Before Buying Your Next iPhone…

A wrap-up of the past few weeks

In 2021 alone, human beings discarded an estimated 57.4 million tonnes of e-waste—enough to outweigh the Great Wall of China (Rosane, 2021).

Over the previous twelve weeks or so, we’ve talked at length about the origins, implications and solutions regarding the global e-waste challenge. It’s been a rather thrilling ride, hasn’t it?

We first discussed the origins and trajectory of the e-waste problem, and how it’s an exponentially growing issue that has only escalated over time. It’s also a transboundary issue, with a disproportionate distribution of its burdens across the developing world.

Next, we delved into the significance and implications of the e-waste problem. We covered how it affects, well, pretty much every part of the world out therefrom the environment, to flora and fauna, and finally human beings. The threats caused by e-waste pollution are simply too large for us to ignore.

Finally, we explored the possible solutions to the global e-waste challenge, and evaluated what’s working and what’s not. Consumers, producers, and governments all share the responsibility of addressing the e-waste issue in different ways.

With all this in mind, what will you do to play your part in the push for more sustainable e-waste management? Will you think twice before buying your next iPhone? I know I will.


Rosane, O. (2021). This Year’s E-Waste to Outweigh Great Wall of China. EcoWatch. Retrieved 12 April 2022, from

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