#13: Agricultural Pollution from the burning of forests :(

Hi guys! Today we shall talk more about agriculture as a whole.

Agricultural expansion is one of the leading deforestation reasons, falling second to timber harvesting which accounts for  37% of the loss of the Intact Forest Landscape (IFL). During the years between 2000 to 2013, agricultural expansion made up for approximately 28% of  the IFL that we have chopped down.

Did you also know that besides our oceans being carbon sinks, our forests can account for 30% of carbon emission absorption?

Well, how does this link to agricultural pollution then?

How agricultural expansion results in the exacerbation of climate change and global warming

When we burn our forests for the purpose of agricultural farming (growing of crops) or animal rearing, we are equivalently reducing our carbon sinks which is one of our key partners in helping in climate change and global warming. We are also chopping logs and burning off the stumps which remain on the land. Our burning of forests account for the second highest global carbon emitter! We are not only reducing our carbon absorbers, we are producing more carbon than we can handle!

The burning of forests also leads to these processes:

  1. Direct air pollution from burning forests
  2. Destroy ecosystemsdestroy native plants and biodiversity that use forests as habitats
  3. Slashes biodiversityforce biodiversity to live in smaller areas, may force them to extinction
  4. Erodes landlands are unable to absorb water or retain soil (soil layer was bulldozed), may exacerbate flooding, cause soil erosion or landslides that may end up in our nearby rivers (aquatic pollution)
  5. Spoils water supplyintroduction of new sediments, nutrients, and surface runoff (such as herbicides which are pesticides used to kill unwanted plants) to water catchments. May also ruin clean groundwater for certain populations (aquatic pollution)
  6. Reverse carbon sinksforests naturally absorb more carbon compared to the production of carbon due to photosynthesis, but removal of them results in lesser effective carbon absorbers [replacement plantation such as oil palm usually are less effective in being carbon sinks than that of the forests, worse if the land is used for animal rearing – produce more greenhouse gases especially cows!  (Refer to #7: Enteric Fermentation)]
  7. Results in degradation of social toll on indigenous groups – some groups of people use forests for cultural purposes, cultural history may be damaged

The process of agricultural expansion is not really a positive thing with such negative impacts to the environment. We should always look for possible alternative solutions instead of destroying of more forests such as vertical farming, utilising existing clear land without further destruction of further forests (not only because land is scarce) or perhaps choose alternative food that comes from more environmentally friendly roots.


Lindwall, C., 2019. Industrial Agricultural Pollution 101. [online] NRDC. Available at: <https://www.nrdc.org/stories/industrial-agricultural-pollution-101> [Accessed 7 July 2020].

Denchak, M., 2017. Want To Fight Climate Change? Stop Clearcutting Our Carbon Sinks.. [online] NRDC. Available at: <https://www.nrdc.org/stories/stop-clearcutting-carbon-sinks> [Accessed 19 July 2020].

Nrcan.gc.ca. 2020. Forest Carbon | Natural Resources Canada. [online] Available at: <https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/climate-change/impacts-adaptations/climate-change-impacts-forests/forest-carbon/13085> [Accessed 19 July 2020].

Rainforest Action Network, 2017. How many trees are cut down every year?. [Blog] THE UNDERSTORY, Available at: <https://www.ran.org/the-understory/how_many_trees_are_cut_down_every_year/> [Accessed 19 July 2020].

Intactforests.org. n.d. World’s Intact Forest Landscapes, 2000-2013. [online] Available at: <http://intactforests.org/world.map.html> [Accessed 19 July 2020].

#8: Pesticide Case Study: Brazil

Hello everyone! Previously on this blog, much has been mentioned of why farmers choose to use toxic chemicals as well as why they hang around for so long in our environment. Today, we explore more on how pesticides, in this case DDT, is so detrimental to human health, which ultimately led to their ban in the 1970’s in almost all developed countries.

DDT is good for me.” An advertisement for widespread farm, home ...

A poster encouraging the widespread use of DDT

DDT is considered as an endocrine disruptor. Studies have shown that there was reduced sperm count and reduced breastfeeding period. DDT is also suspected of causing spontaneous abortion and premature delivery. DDT’s breakdown product, DDE has also significant evidence for liver cancer mortality. The major source of DDT intake for the general population is through food. Since DDT has a high lipophilicity, food substances like eggs, meat and milk should be most considered when performing studies on DDT intake and its effects.

Biomagnification of DDT in human milk has been observed in parts of Brazil. In the agricultural area of Sao Paulo State, levels of DDT found in human milk was 0.149 mg/kg, was compared with the WHO guidelines of 0.02 mg/kg for cow’s milk. Also, in the capital of Rio Grande do Sul State, 2.98 mg/kg of DDT in human milk was found. The DDT levels in both these studies were high, despite the fact that DDT was prohibited in agricultural use there since 1986.

There aren’t many studies which focus on the fate of DDT which describe the full extent of its harm. However, what we know is they can stay in the environment or in us for a very long time, resulting in bioaccumulation and biomagnification. There are chronic effects which follow from DDT exposure, including hormonal effects.


D.R Vieria, E., P.M Torres, J. and Malm, O., 2001. DDT Environmental Persistence from Its Use in a Vector Control Program: A Case Study. Environmental Reseach, 86(2), pp.174-182.

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#4 Eutrophication Case Study: Vancouver Lake

Harmful cyanobacteria blooms is a relevant and pressing issue worldwide. This is usually attributed to increases of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus as well as suitable growth conditions.

Vancouver Lake of Washington, USA is a large (~9.3 km2), shallow (mean depth ~1.2 m) floodplain lake that is well known for swimming, bird watching, boating, and fishing. In the past, Vancouver Lake was clear, moderately deep (6-8m) that was flushed during spring and fall. However, since the early 20th century, many forms of rapid urbanisation like hydroelectric dam construction as well as land reclamation took place which caused the uncontrolled sediment load and nutrient load. In the 1960s, there were already cyanobacteria blooms and poor water quality. By the 1980s, the lake had shallowed to an average of 1m in depth.

Currently, the lake depth remains at an average of 1m. The water quality continues to be poor, with high levels of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, turbidity and pH. According to the Public Health officials, the lake continues to struggle with cyanobacteria because it is shallow, nutrient-rich without any outlets or freshwater sources and experiences very few rain events but is constantly being exposed to sunlight and warm temperatures. Such algal blooms forces the closure of the lake and swim beach periodically on and off during summer season, in order to protect the health of its visitors.

Vancouver Lake during Cyanobacteria blooms

One interesting fact is that several weeks before cyanobacteria outbreaks, the dissolved inorganic nitrogen availability decreases, hence favouring the N-fixing cyanobacteria to give them an advantage for rapid growth. This was exactly what Prof Taylor mentioned in his freshwater pollution lecture!


Rollwagen-Bollens, G., Lee, T., Rose, V. and M. Bollens, S., 2018. Beyond Eutrophication: Vancouver Lake, WA, USA as a Model System for Assessing Multiple, Interacting Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms. Water, 10(6).

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