#15: Buffer Zones along Farm Boundaries

In many of the previous posts, there is a lot that is mentioned regarding water pollution as a result of intensified agriculture. This post will be focussed on a possible solution that could minimise the risk of water pollution.

One approach to solving the water pollution problem is the creation of buffer zones between the polluting farms and receiving waters. A buffer zone refers to a permanently vegetated area of land which is roughly 5-100m in width, preferably placed adjacent to a watercourse. The buffer zone works by providing a biochemical and physical barrier between the pollution source and the receiving water body.

The working mechanism of the buffer zone is relatively simple. The buffer zone spreads and separates the incoming flow of pollutants, minimising its fluid velocity. This increases infiltration and subsequently reduces the water depth on the surface. Huge particles fall to the bottom as sediments while suspended particles get filtered through leaf litter and soil. The remaining pollutants get trapped in the soil of the buffer zone, which allows for decay and subsequent absorption by plant roots or adsorption onto soil particles. The removal of pollutants transported in particulate form varies according to the buffer zone’s capacity of reducing energy of the incoming flow to allow pollutant particle settling. On the contrary, the removal of pollutants transported in dissolved form depends on the ability of the buffer zone to stall the runoff long enough to facilitate the pollutants breaking down, for subsequent absorption by plants.

The effectiveness of a buffer zone is determined by a number of factors. We must consider its physical structure, the type of pollutants it must handle and the closeness of the buffer zone to the pollution source. As for agricultural catchments, they are usually located in areas of low slope where the uplands were already cleared without any buffer. Such runoff from the uplands gets channelled away in the upper catchment and could flow out of the catchment without passing through the buffer downstream. This results in a huge loss of nutrients, which in this case are pollutants, that ultimately enters water bodies and causes water pollution.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of buffering for agricultural catchments, the buffer zones should ideally extend along tributary streams, so that none of the polluting sources will be left out and allowed to channel away. Hence, all polluting sources have to pass through buffer zones to trap the pollutants, as represented in the figure below.

Ideal agricultural catchment buffer zone

Regarding the effectiveness of buffer zones towards pesticides in agriculture, it has shown commendable results. In a study conducted by Asmussen et al. (1997), it was reported that herbicide 2,4-D were reduced along a buffer zone by 77% and 69% in wet and dry conditions. In a similar study by Rohde et al. (1980), there was evidence of trifluralin loss of 96% and 86% in wet and dry conditions. The large reduction of pesticide loss can be attributed to water infiltration, sediment deposition and attachment on vegetative and organic matter.


Muscutt, A., Harris, G., Bailey, S. and Davies, D., 1993. Buffer zones to improve water quality: a review of their potential use in UK agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 45(1-2), pp.59-77.

Norris, V., 1993. The use of buffer zones to protect water quality: A review. Water Resources Management, 7(4), pp.257-272.

#14: Agricultural Water Pollution from Livestock Waste

Hello everyone! Although it is our 5th and final week into the GE3246 Special Term module, and we are still learning new things about agricultural pollution and can’t wait to share them with you guys (:

Former National Compliance Initiative: Preventing Animal Waste ...

Livestock waste deposited directly into water body

The manure from livestock can be very problematic. This is the case whether uncontrolled release of waste or when initially placing them into lagoons.

In particular, uncontrolled livestock waste is a direct source of pollution for surface and groundwater sources. Their mixing with surface water can severely impact the water quality and cause the death of living organisms. Not only that, there is a high Biological Oxygen Demand due to the organic materials found in waste. Their waste is a source of atmospheric ammonia, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. These excess nutrients and organic matter is a stimulant for growth of algae in water bodies. The heavy metals and harmful bacteria directly found in animal waste could also leach into and contaminate water supplies. Also not to mention, there are traces of ammonia and bad odour when there is a spread of this waste slurry across the land.

We tend to assume that if the animal manure is managed, there would be no problems at all. However, this is not true. Let me explain why! Animal wastes are stored in pits or open ponds, otherwise known as lagoons. These “waste containers” are hastily dug, they do not have a lining to prevent leaching of harmful pollutants. In the case of large storms, these containers might even be torn apart, spilling out all the animal waste slurry in a horrific sight! In order to combat this problem, some large-scale farms spray this spilt manure onto the farm fields. The environmental pollution caused by all the raptured lagoons, spraying and leaching can be very detrimental. Surface and groundwaters get contaminated with excess nutrients from animal waste. Nitrates, heavy metals or even pathogenic bacteria can leach into water supplies, causing morbidity and illness.

It is estimated that a total of 2 billion tonnes of liquid fraction and waste is generated annually from US alone, while China’s livestock farms generate nearly 4 billion tonnes of waste annually. Hence, with lots of meat consumers around, many livestock has to be reared, causing a lot of pollution to enter aquatic ecosystems or even water supplies. However, as consumers, we don’t often see the direct impacts from our consumption, as the pollution is outsourced to countries which rely on agriculture as their main source of revenue.


Polat, H. and Olgun, M., 2006. Water pollution from livestock wastes and required strategies in efforts to adapt to European Union. International Water Association,.

FoodPrint. 2020. How Industrial Agriculture Causes Water Pollution | Foodprint. [online] Available at: <https://foodprint.org/issues/how-industrial-agriculture-affects-our-water/> [Accessed 20 July 2020].

Gu, H. and Mason, J., 2017. Energy Hogs: China Targets Farm Waste As A ‘Clean’ Power Source. [online] U.S. Available at: <https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-livestock-waste/energy-hogs-china-targets-farm-waste-as-a-clean-power-source-idUSKCN1BA16V#:~:text=Chinese%20livestock%20farms%20generate%20nearly,according%20to%20the%20agriculture%20ministry.> [Accessed 20 July 2020].

#9: Smart Fertilisers

Today I came across an interesting article, where I found that fertilisers could be programmed to be smart too!

Since more fertiliser applied would increase crop yield, but the more fertiliser applied, the more gets ends up the the watershed, triggering algae growth.

Hence, to prevent that from happening, there are slow-release fertilisers that has been manufactured and sold for quite some time. These fertiliser formulation acts like a capsule, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and various nutrients. The outer shell can slow the rate of entry of water to the capsule as well as the rate which end products can escape from the capsule. Nutrients are allowed to enter the soil gradually for optimal absorption. Besides that, usage is inexpensive as well as convenient.

Plantacote slow release fertiliser

Schematic diagram showing slow release of fertiliser

More recently, there is the creation of controlled release fertilisers. The shells of the capsules are tuned to only release nutrients at your desired constant rate when the a certain trigger point is hit. Such triggers could be soil temperature, pH or moisture levels.

However, there are some minor drawbacks regarding its usage. In countries with 4 seasons, when the temperature gets too warm or too cold, this might trigger the increased or decreased release of fertiliser into the soil, causing either a root burn or nutrient deficiency respectively. It is also important to note that varying amounts of nutrients is required for optimal plant growth at their different stages. Since the release of fertiliser is fairly constant during constant temperatures, an incorrect amount of nutrients would have been supplied to the plant constantly.

If these fertilisers can be modified to correct its limitations, it is definitely worth it to switch over to smart fertilisers to protect our environment (:


Carbeck, J., 2019. Smarter Fertilizers Can Reduce Environmental Contamination. [online] Scientific American. Available at: <https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/smarter-fertilizers-can-reduce-environmental-contamination/> [Accessed 14 July 2020].

#4 Eutrophication Case Study: Vancouver Lake

Harmful cyanobacteria blooms is a relevant and pressing issue worldwide. This is usually attributed to increases of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus as well as suitable growth conditions.

Vancouver Lake of Washington, USA is a large (~9.3 km2), shallow (mean depth ~1.2 m) floodplain lake that is well known for swimming, bird watching, boating, and fishing. In the past, Vancouver Lake was clear, moderately deep (6-8m) that was flushed during spring and fall. However, since the early 20th century, many forms of rapid urbanisation like hydroelectric dam construction as well as land reclamation took place which caused the uncontrolled sediment load and nutrient load. In the 1960s, there were already cyanobacteria blooms and poor water quality. By the 1980s, the lake had shallowed to an average of 1m in depth.

Currently, the lake depth remains at an average of 1m. The water quality continues to be poor, with high levels of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, turbidity and pH. According to the Public Health officials, the lake continues to struggle with cyanobacteria because it is shallow, nutrient-rich without any outlets or freshwater sources and experiences very few rain events but is constantly being exposed to sunlight and warm temperatures. Such algal blooms forces the closure of the lake and swim beach periodically on and off during summer season, in order to protect the health of its visitors.

Vancouver Lake during Cyanobacteria blooms

One interesting fact is that several weeks before cyanobacteria outbreaks, the dissolved inorganic nitrogen availability decreases, hence favouring the N-fixing cyanobacteria to give them an advantage for rapid growth. This was exactly what Prof Taylor mentioned in his freshwater pollution lecture!


Rollwagen-Bollens, G., Lee, T., Rose, V. and M. Bollens, S., 2018. Beyond Eutrophication: Vancouver Lake, WA, USA as a Model System for Assessing Multiple, Interacting Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Harmful Cyanobacterial Blooms. Water, 10(6).

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