Welcome folks! :D

Welcome to our blog! This blog is shared by Darren and Shayna.

This blog is mainly focused on Agricultural Pollution and its effects on the environment, humans and our ecosystem. We will be posting interesting facts and our research on this topic regularly. So all aboard on our journey into discovering more about Agri-llution!

To help you navigate around our blog we have categorised our posts into different headers, if you would like to see the collection of posts, head over to the “Collection of Posts” page!

Thank you and have fun touring our blog! 😀

Say cheese!

Picture referenced from:

2018. Psbattle: This Cow Smiling. [image] Available at: <https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshopbattles/comments/83gfcv/psbattle_this_cow_smiling/> [Accessed 23 July 2020].