A Tale of Two Kingdoms: Ava and Pegu in 15th Century Burma – a seminar by Prof. Michael Aung-Thwin (Wed, 11 March 2009)

Speaker: Prof Michael Aung-Thwin (Visiting Professor, Southeast Asian Studies Programme, National University of Singapore) Date: Wednesday, 11 March 2009 Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20) Synopsis “Burma” in the 15th Century was one of reformulation as well as newness:… Continue Reading

Intimate Exclusion and Racialized Displacement in Urban Indonesia – a seminar by Dr. Tsai Yen-ling (Wed, 11 February 2009)

Speaker: Dr Tsai Yen-ling (Postdoctoral Fellow, Southeast Asian Studies Programme National University of Singapore) Date: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20) Synopsis This seminar will explore the ways in which cross-racial interactions produce racial… Continue Reading

Disciplines, Area Studies, and the Global Age: Southeast Asian Reflections – a seminar by Assoc Prof Goh Beng Lan (Wed, 28 January 2009)

Speaker: Assoc Prof Goh Beng Lan (Head, Southeast Asian Studies Programme National University of Singapore) Date: Wednesday, 28 January 2009 Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20) Synopsis This presentation addresses the crisis of area studies from Southeast Asian… Continue Reading

Philippine Studies as Postcolonial Response to Western/US Academic Hegemony – a seminar by Prof. Priscelina Patajo-Legasto (Wed, 21 January 2009)

Speaker: Professor Priscelina Patajo-Legasto (Professor, University of the Philippines-Diliman) Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2009 Time: 12:00pm – 2:00pm Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20) Synopsis Twenty first century Philippine Studies is a discursive field that critiques vestiges of supposedly “universalits” paradigms, that… Continue Reading

Understanding the Fanatic Mind? The Viet Minh and Race Hatred in the First Indochina War – a seminar by Assoc Prof Shawn McHale (Fri, 9 May 2008)

Speaker: Assoc Prof Shawn McHale (George Washington University) Date: Friday, 9 May 2008 Time: 3:00pm – 4:30pm Venue: AS3, Level 6, SEAS Seminar Room (06-20) Synopsis Our understanding of the Vietnamese resistance war against the French (1945-54) is still heavily… Continue Reading