
Hi everyone, welcome to Ridge View’s very own Volleyball IG! Initially started with the intention of introducing volleyball to residents of RVRC, RV Vball has taken a step further by becoming a community of friends looking for an enjoyable time filled with fun and, more importantly, sweat! However, fret not about the intensity of our trainings, as our goal remains to create a healthy environment for people of all fitness levels and age to pick up a new sport, or to further their interest in volleyball. RV Vball truly is welcoming of everyone – over the years, we’ve seen people from Hong Kong, USA, Russia, Canada, and Indonesia (just to name a few) joining us in our games. The team work required and the general positivity of our players are what really attracts people from all over to come play with us!


You can contact the captain via Telegram at @bentjoeng, or simply join the RV Volleyball Telegram group here! Join us at the outdoor volleyball courts every Wednesday, 9 – 11pm!

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