

RVRC Freshmen Orientation 2020

Welcome new residents to RVRC! Staying at RVRC is a unique experience. This year, our freshmen e-orientation program will be unlike any other. In this camp we try to give you a taste of residential life and RVRC culture! This is an opportunity to meet other freshmen...

An Afternoon Chat with Ms May

Who in RVRC do not know her name? If you haven’t heard of her yet, well then this post is a good start for you! Really! If you are in RVRC, you have got to know her because one way or another your paths will cross. Trust me, I’m an engineer. *dabs*A Bit About Ms...

Same Ridge, Different View – An interview with the Associate Director of Student Life

Let’s be real; unless you’re a person who lives, breathes and eats a particular subject during your compulsory education days *side glance to my files of math papers*, your favorite period other than recess was probably Physical Education. Getting to change into a...

TindeRV: the Crème de la Crème of RVRC

Spent yet another valentine’s day alone last month? Tired of being constantly bombarded by kaypoh relatives grilling you about your (lack of) love life? Done with all the catfishes on tinder?  Have no fear, for we have just the solution. Look (and swipe) no further,...

Previous Posts

Previous Posts
Walk for Rice

Walk for Rice

On an early Saturday morning, 261 staff and students from RVRC set off from the campus and walked 8.5km across the undulating southern ridges to Mount Faber for the Kent Ridge Walk For Rice 2017. For each 200m that a participant walked, NTUC will donate 1 white and 1...

Inter House Games 2017

Inter House Games 2017

At the start of Recess week, all of RVRC stepped back to engage in a contest of epic proportions. Spanning over two days, the Inter-House Games included tests of physical and digital skill, with sports ranging from Tchoukball and Football to DOTA and Chess. At the end...

Hello World!

Hello World!

This is the student run webpage for RVRC. Here you will find information about the Interest Groups and Houses in RVRC, as well as upcoming events and announcements, and blog posts from residents of RV. We hope that this website can serve as a digital reflection of the...


Randos & Reflections
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