About RVRC

Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) is a residence located in the heart of Kent Ridge Campus of the National University of Singapore (NUS). In RVRC, we live and learn by the ridge through a 2-year programme. RVRC is more than just a hostel for many of us: Its truly a home away from home where we have our friends and staff who look out for us!

Learn more about our Houses
& our Interest Groups

RVRC is home to 5 houses: Aonyx, Chelonia, Panthera, Rusa and Strix. The houses aim to foster a sense of cameraderie and identity amongst residents through participation in house events. Through this, the college aims to become a home away from home (ohm away from ohm) for each resident :’)
RVRC is home to a multitude of interest groups (IG) that encompasses a diverse range of interests such as the sports, arts, lifestyle, and community service. Join an IG today and pursue your passion, explore new possibilities and find your like-minded tribe! With more than 30 IGs, there’s bound to be something for you!

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