Adi Nata’s RVRC Story

Feb 28, 2020 | #myRVstory, Blog, rnr | 0 comments

As RVRC e-Open Day is coming up, the student blog team will do a series of #myRVstory where residents share their #whyRV and their favorite parts about RVRC! Here’s Adi’s story!
For my university life, I also believe in making the most out of it, and RVRC has provided me with an unforgettable experience! From the interest groups and interesting industry visits to the various enriching courses, RVRC has given me the space to grow, learn and develop. The modules offered are also very interesting as they encourage us to explore and understand ourselves better thus unlocking our inner strength. Aside from that, we are also allowed to truly make an impact on society through our GEQ modules. Here, the college will do its best to provide us with the resources to implement our project in real life!
My experience in RVRC has truly been amazing! Starting from the modules to the courses it offered, RVRC has left an unforgettable experience for me.

The people in RVRC are very welcoming and understanding. The caring and supportive culture make RVRC truly like ‘home away from home’. The support from friends and teachers in my tough times has been something that I would never forget. In busy seasons like the exam period, it is also uncommon for the college to give out treats like LIHO or magnum ice cream for our exam preparation. Aside from that, the interest groups here are very interesting too ranging from baking to e-sports. Here, I believe you will make a strong friendship that will last for a long time.

All in all, life in RVRC has truly been an exciting and enriching journey for me! The decision to come here has truly been one decision that I would never regret.
There’ll be more #myRVstory coming up these few weeks and if you want to be featured, just leave a comment, or contact lishuen at!
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