Dora’s RVRC Story

Feb 27, 2020 | #myRVstory, Blog, rnr | 0 comments

As RVRC e-Open Day is coming up, the student blog team will do a series of #myRVstory where residents share their #whyRV and their favorite parts about RVRC! Here’s Dora’s story!

Dynamic, diversity and acceptance are the three words that come to my mind immediately when I think about RVRC.


The beauty about RVRC is that we are not “restricted” by a particular culture and as a result, people with diverse personalities, interests and strengths are all able to find a community and ultimately a home in RVRC. Diversity is our culture – you can definitely find your own circle of like-minded friends here! RVRC attracts students from different faculties and it is nice to have friends from other faculties that can help you out with diverse problems, from being stump by an essay question to debugging your code. RVRC also offers a diverse range of modules and forums for one to pursue one’s own interests! There is beauty in diversity!


There is truly never a dull moment in RVRC. From constant supper and movie jios, to squirrels stealing food from your room, to friends who crash your room perpetually as if it’s their own room. It is such a vibrant and lively community but at the same time, this community also gives you space to chill and grow as an individual and RVRC has provided me with endless opportunities to hone my soft skills and give back to the community.


RVRC is a community that accepts and I am not pressured to conform to a certain norm. RVRC gives me opportunities to try new things and make mistakes in a safe environment, from picking up new sports to heading a project. It is truly a home away from home and I am thankful to be part of RVRC. 🙂

There’ll be more #myRVstory coming up these few weeks and if you want to be featured, just leave a comment, or contact lishuen at!