

RVRC is home to 5 houses: Aonyx, Chelonia, Panthera, Rusa and Strix. The houses aim to foster a sense of camaraderie and identity amongst residents through participation in house events. Through this, the college aims to become a home away from home (ohm away from ohm) for each resident :’)


Hi! We are the House of Aonyx and our mascot is the Aonyx Cinerea, also known as the Asian clawed otter!

Our house colour is grey and we stay in the Old Kent Ridge section of RVRC, in blocks A and C! Block A is shared with our lovely neighbours, Strix. Our house committee ensures that all residents under our banner feel as though they’re at home and our events are catered for all residents! To know what kind of events are happening, head on over to our Instagram page @otterly.aonyx


Hello! We’re Chelonians!
Chelonia refers to sea turtles and we are represented by the colourr blue! We are a house that’s inclusive and aims to bring you and your friends lots of memories to remember! Although we’re turtles that may be slow, we have a steady back to carry you! You know what they always say, “slow and steady win the game!”

Come Chelonia to be part of our family! Keep blue and chill on~ follow us on Instagram: @rvrcchelonia


Hullo! We’re Panthera, or more commonly known as @panthypals cause Instagram handles are all the raves nowadays. Our resident fellow (ms may, aka May-Jie) is the best and makes the best brownies known in all the universe. Maybe that’s why we’re first in this year’s inter-house competitions 🙂 Most of us are pretty chill so don’t be afraid to join us for meals at the dining hall when you see us! Contrary to tiger-lore, we don’t actually bite (unless there are free-for-all brownies at the pantry).

Let’s reach out for the skies together like our favourite National Day song, this is only made possible because we’re the highest living residents in RV @ tower block 5-8


Hi, we’re the Rusa Dears!
We stay in blocks D and E (and are the biggest house!!!) and are represented by the awesome deer ((hell yeah🦌!!)) and the colour green. Some might consider us the coolest house with our angel and mortal, karaoke sessions and birthday welfare.
we cant wait to meet everyone who will join us and we promise to make your RVRC experience an amazing one!

follow us on Instagram at @thedeerestrusa!!


Hi, we are Strix, the one and only family of yellow owls in RVRC. Don’t let our innocent and adorable appearance fool you, this family is full of “mystrixrious” stories! As with most owls, our family prides ourselves for our nocturnal adventures. Quiet as we may seem (because we respect the silent hour rules), be sure that we will be loud and vibrant (much like the colour yellow) when the morning comes!

Want to be part of this inquisitive and adventurous family? Look no further than the Strix family. Strix house, (still the) best house. #SHBH Follow us on Instagram at @strixational

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