Marcus’ RVRC Story

Feb 28, 2020 | #myRVstory, Blog, rnr | 0 comments

As RVRC e-Open Day is coming up, the student blog team will do a series of #myRVstory where residents share their #whyRV and their favorite parts about RVRC! Here’s Marcus’ story!

At the current time of writing this story, I am a year one computer science student staying at RVRC Rusa House. RVRC was my first choice and I have not regretted choosing RVRC. RVRC was so appealing to me as its location is central and within walking distance for almost everything from Utown to even COM2. 

Being a CS student, I wanted a hostel that made it easy to balance studies while still having fun. RVRC was the perfect choice as there is a guaranteed 2 year stay with easy modules, plenty of leadership opportunities for those who are hungry for responsibility and a very bonded community that just gives off that family vibes.

I will say that compared to other hostels, you will not find a place like RV where teachers treat you like equals and consider you as adults. The student advisors are helpful and are always there to give advice and you even get academic advisor that help push you along the way to achieving your goals. RVRC actively encourages you to participate and provides a rounded education from leadership development to working in projects that improve the living standards at RVRC. 

Even though it is only my first year in RVRC, I have changed so much compared to my JC self. I would have never imagined coming to university and becoming the Vice President for the student committee and exposing myself to so many activities and learning experiences that I definitely would not have gotten if I had gone the normal route and went to hall.

There’ll be more #myRVstory coming up these few weeks and if you want to be featured, just leave a comment, or contact lishuen at!