Keith’s RVRC Story

Feb 28, 2020 | #myRVstory, Blog, rnr | 0 comments

As RVRC e-Open Day is coming up, the student blog team will do a series of #myRVstory where residents share their #whyRV and their favorite parts about RVRC! Here’s Keith’s story!

When I was rejected from the residential college of my choice, I was distraught as I really wanted to experience campus life. However, my saving grace came when I got a call asking me if I wanted to join RVRC. Looking back, I am actually glad that I got into RVRC instead of the other place. My 3 semesters here have been nothing but enriching, rewarding and fun.

Staying in RVRC has helped me broaden my perspective when it comes to sustainability and the working world. The modules offered here provide opportunities for holistic growth as we integrate sustainability, communication skills and workplace readiness into a single package that puts everything together. This makes the stuff we learn applicable and relatable as I learn more about myself, the environment and the community. In year 2, we have forums, and I had the opportunity to go on a service learning trip to Bintan to help villagers install safe water gardens. It was truly an eye-opening and enjoyable experience that enabled me to make new friends and empathize more with the community.

RVRC also has many diverse interest groups where we can take part in, be it sports, dance or music. Everyone will certainly be able to find an interest here. These interest groups are where many friendships and forged and where I managed to find my closest friends in RV, and I am very glad to have been able to join them.

There’ll be more #myRVstory coming up these few weeks and if you want to be featured, just leave a comment, or contact lishuen at!
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