The Ridge View

The Ridge View

Eugene’s RVRC Story

Martyn’s RVRC Story

Damien’s RVRC Story

Keith’s RVRC Story

Li Jin’s RVRC Story

Marcus’ RVRC Story

Adi Nata’s RVRC Story

Xin Le’s RVRC Story

Dora’s RVRC Story

Li Shuen’s RVRC Story


We’re featuring our residents’ RV story in this series of #myRVstory where residents share their #whyRV and their favorite parts about RVRC! 

Li Shuen’s RVRC Story

Dora’s RVRC Story

Martyn’s RVRC Story

Li Jin’s RVRC Story

Marcus’ RVRC Story

Eugene’s RVRC Story

Xin Le’s RVRC Story

Keith’s RVRC Story

Adi Nata’s RVRC Story

Damien’s RVRC Story

Featured Story

Interview with Master Greg (Part II)

In this second (& final) part of Interview with Master Greg, we collated a few fun question and fun titbits about his personal life. Let us know if you want to know more about him, or better yet, ask him yourself in his office if we didn’t ask the question you wanted!

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RVRC Freshmen Orientation 2020

RVRC Freshmen Orientation 2020

Welcome new residents to RVRC! Staying at RVRC is a unique experience. This year, our freshmen e-orientation program will be unlike any other. In this camp we try to give you a taste of residential life and RVRC culture! This is an opportunity to meet other freshmen...

An Afternoon Chat with Ms May

An Afternoon Chat with Ms May

Who in RVRC do not know her name? If you haven’t heard of her yet, well then this post is a good start for you! Really! If you are in RVRC, you have got to know her because one way or another your paths will cross. Trust me, I’m an engineer. *dabs*A Bit About Ms...


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