Clean Coal?! Guilt free energy? (Non-renewable energies: Part 2)

Development dilemma: How did coal sneak into Laos' energy plans? | News | Eco-Business | Asia Pacific

Have we truly found a clean alternative to energy? Coal has been known to be the oldest, and dirtiest energy source, which has contributed to 70% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions, and to be to using it without damaging the environment may seem rather questionable.

There are many different variations to “clean coal”, in which technology has been applied to reduce or mitigate environmental degradation through removing pollutants. In today’s context, “clean coal” makes use of carbon capture and storage (CCS), which allows for the carbon dioxide generated at coal plants to be stored underground in rock formations and aquifers. Though the general idea of underground carbon sequestration may sound like a genius plan, there has been multiple critics revolving around the oversight on other pollutants as well as it’s cost and efficiency.

The basic principle for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).

While CCS is able to capture around 90% of the CO2 produced at power plants, we have forgotten about the other pollutants by coal, such as mercury, nitrogen oxide, and other poisonous pollutants. Would the production of “clean coal” lift the guilt from consumers, thus further increase the consumption of energy? If so,  Furthermore, would this accelerate the depletion of coal since it is a non-renewable resource? Though the reduction in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is an excellent outcome, these are some of our thoughts with regards to the other considerations towards this technology.

Singapore has recently announced its plans in researching and developing carbon capture use and storage (CCUS) technology as well.



Cunanan, P. (2018, April 1). Clean Coal Explained: What It Is and Is It Really Sustainable? EcoWarrior Princess. Retrieved from

Grossman, D. (2017, August 23). How Does Clean Coal Work? Capturing carbon dioxide and sending it below the Earth’s surface, explained. Popular Mechanics. Retrieved from 

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