Gemstones: Mining & Extraction

Welcome back readers! Today’s we are back with the last (I promise) post on gemstones. With the plethora of  “sustainable” jewellery brands popping up, I felt compelled to do some more research on the environmental impacts of manufacturing “normal” (unsustainable) jewellery. In my previous 2 posts, I focused more on the ethical issues associated with Continue reading →

Gemstones: Maybe They’re Better Off Fake

Coloured gemstones have seen a resurgence in popularity, namely due to the mystical associations with various stones. Rose quartz to attract love, lapis lazuli for enhanced self-esteem. Instagram is home to so many gemstone jewellery shops, especially here in Singapore. An example would be @daisygems, as shown below. I myself have been drawn to this Continue reading →

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Is Your Jewellery Eco-Friendly?

Hello readers! Today we will begin our discussion on jewellery! After stumbling upon an Instagram ad by Ana Luisa about sustainable jewellery, I was intrigued to do more of my own research. The brand claims to be carbon neutral by preserving a forest area which offsets their CO2 production. Their carbon footprint methodology can be Continue reading →

Circular Fashion!

Hello dear readers! Today’s post will be centred on a thesis I’ve found by Ludovica Vanicore about Circular Fashion. For context, Circular Fashion is adopted from the Circular Economy, which is a model that aims to reduce wastage by reusing byproducts and designing products that last long and can be disposed of safely without harming Continue reading →

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Are We Gentrifying Thrifting?

Hello lovely readers! Welcome back to this segment on Thrifting! To recap, thrifting is largely attractive to youth due to the cheap prices of clothes which allows for more pieces to be bought. With the rise of the eco-friendly movement, more people are incentivised to purchase their clothes from thrift stores instead of succumbing to Continue reading →

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Thrifting: Good or Bad?

Hello lovely readers! Today’s discussion will be on thrifting (thrift shopping) clothes! Recently, thrifting has become a trend ever since vintage fashion came back into style. This was largely influenced by social media platforms such as TikTok, where teens post “hidden gems” selling vintage, now-trendy clothing. In Singapore, these shops are mainly located in the Continue reading →