Psychology alumnus, Chan Kai Qin, featured in latest issue of APS Observer


We are very proud to note that one of our former students, Chan Kai Qin, has been featured in the latest issue of the APS Observer. Kai Qin is now an Assistant Professor at the Psychology Department in Ashoka University and is working with his colleagues to revolutionize Psychology’s identity in India. For the full story, go to

Chan Kai Qin graduated with a Honours Degree (2nd Upper) in Psychology and a Masters of Social Science (Psychology) from the National University of Singapore. His Honours Thesis examined the effect of implicit relationship primes on risk taking and found that being exposed to the name of a friend led to participants taking more risk in computer task relative to being exposed to neutral words. This work won the 2008/09 Outstanding Undergraduate Researcher Prize and was later published in a leading relationship journal, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. His Master Thesis extended his Honours work by showing that religious primes (e.g., the word ‘God’) increased risk-taking on the same task. This work is published in a premiere Social Psychology journal, Social Psychological and Personality Science. Kai Qin subsequently pursued his PhD studies in Radboud University and is now a faculty in Ashoka University.

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