Invited Talk by Dr. Peera Wongupparaj | 9 May 2023, 4pm

Dr. Peera Wongupparaj

9 May 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm




The prevalence of dementia in Thai older adults was approximately 18%. In addition, the number of older adults with dementia in Thailand would be 2.4, 3.5, and 8.6 times the numbers in Australia, Malaysia, and Singapore, respectively. Although dementia has no cure or effective treatment to stop its progression, early detection (i.e., a prodromal stage of dementia or mild cognitive impairment) and intervention might be a key. This research aimed to fulfill knowledge-practical gaps regarding the development of a tele-neuropsychological test battery using language and speech-based analyses. This paper-based tool and a computerized scoring system will be used to classify Thai older adults at risk of mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Two phases of data collection and analysis were conducted at laboratory and community settings. Participants consisted of 400 community-dwelling older adults (i.e., 250 healthy control and 150 MCI). The developed tool achieved an acceptable level of reliability and validity. As well, the language-based parameters have successfully classified older adults at risk of MCI.


Dr. Peera Wongupparaj is a clinical psychologist and full-time lecturer, with experiences and expertise in development of neuropsychological tests, screening tools, electrophysiological markers (i.e., EEG/ERPs) of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and dementia, systematic review and meta-analysis, and advanced statistical techniques. He was awarded several international grants including Newton Fund (via British Academy), ASEA-UNINET (Austria), NRCT-TRF (South Korea), and ERASMUS+ (Italy). He has been working with several leading authorities in the fields, that is, Prof. Roi Cohen Kadosh in Oxford on brain stimulation (tDCS, tRNS, tACS), Prof. Anja Ischebeck in Graz on screening tests for identifying children at risk of dyscalculia, Prof. Ki Woong Kim in Seoul on electrophysiological markers and photobiomodulation for older adults with MCI and Alzheimer’s disease, and Prof. Remo Job in Trento on psycholinguistics and speech-based analysis for classifying older adult with MCI. He has published 55 peer-reviewed papers in national and international journals and 3 book chapters.
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