Brown Bag Talk by Ms. Cheng Xiaoqin on 9 April

Speaker: Ms. Cheng Xiaoqin

Title: Visual field location of stimulus distorts subjective time

Date: 9 April 2014, 12pm

Venue: AS4/02-08 (Psychology Department Meeting Room)


Previous studies have shown that the perceived duration of a visual stimulus depends on its visual field location (Kliegl & Huckauf, submitted; Aedo-Jury & Pins, 2010). However, one cannot rule out the possibility of eye movements such as saccades causing the observed time distortions. In a series of experiments, the effects of stimulus eccentricity on perceived time were examined with the use of an Eyelink-1000 eyetracker sampling at 1000 Hz to monitor eye movements. Participants were asked to engage in a duration comparison task where stimuli were presented at different retinal eccentricities in both the horizontal and vertical meridian. Findings will be discussed in light of current models of time perception.

About the Speaker:

Xiaoqin received her bachelor’s degree majoring in Psychology from the National University of Singapore (NUS). She is currently pursuing her M.Soc.Sci specializing in Cognitive Neuroscience at NUS. Her main research examines the cognitive processes that underlies time perception with the aid of eye-tracking and brain imaging methods.

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