There will be a departmental talk on 5 Oct (4pm) by Mike Cheung. More details are provided below. Please note that the talk will be at AS4/06-04.
Title: A brief introduction to R
Date/Time: 5 Oct 2010 (Tuesday), 4pm
Venue: AS4/06-04
R ( is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It was released under the GNU license meaning that everyone can copy and redistribute it. There are more than 2,500 packages extending the functionality of R.
In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to R. I will discuss the pros and cons of teaching R and using R in psychological research.
About the speaker:
I am a quantitative psychologist. My primary research areas are structural equation modeling, meta-analysis and multilevel modeling. Currently, I am developing an R package to conduct meta-analysis.