Concluding Thoughts on Plastic Pollution

Hey guys! Hope you somewhat enjoyed my little series on plastic pollution and animals. I believe that by discussing about seabirds and whales, you are now more aware about the extent of plastic pollution in animals and how they are possibly affected. As mentioned in my posts, there is insufficient research about plastic pollution in animals. And this is due to many reasons. Firstly, there are way too many species to monitor and research about. Secondly, there is great geographical variability. Thirdly, the ocean is so dynamic that its almost impossible to investigate and observe every part of it.

Currently, we engage in human behaviour that contributes to plastic pollution while simultaneously engaging in corrective behaviour. Honestly, I don’t really think that plastic pollution is solvable. Perhaps we can alleviate the problem, but how do we reverse the impact on animals? Is it even possible? And is it even possible to remove all traces of plastics from the ocean (and land even though it hasnt been my focus) such as filtering out microplastics completely. As said in my previous post, all I have are more and more questions. Perhaps, with technological innovations and greater research, we will be able to create more effective solutions. After all, we only have one earth.

If you thought that I didn’t give you a complete understanding of plastic pollution and how it relates to animals, it was not my intention in the first place. I wanted to let convey information in small chunks that would lead to my readers being slightly more aware about how animals are affected and at the same time be more curious about it to go find out more information on your own!

To end off my plastic pollution series, here’s an absolutely horrible drawing of mine that summarizes my main point for writing this series.


Tune in for the next series to learn about another pollution and its effects on animals 🙂

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