Hello everyone!

Before I dive in, have you heard of ‘Fracking’? Simply put, fracking, the shorthand for hydraulic fracturing is a process to recover shale gas and oil that is trapped between the shale rocks. It requires drilling down into the earth followed by a high-pressure water mixture to crack the rock and release the gas inside (BBC, 2018). This video by Mia Nacamulli provides a really good explanation of the fracking process. Do watch it for a clearer idea of what fracking is.

Though fracking seemed to be a novel and a fantastic method at first to obtain this precious pockets of energy just literally sitting below us, it has become a very controversial issue. As mentioned in the video, the fracking fluid contains many different chemicals and there is the risk of seeping into groundwater sources. In addition, the flow back fluid contains radioactive material and heavy metals if not contained and treated properly, there is a risk of leaching into the ground and eventually in the groundwater. Not just groundwater contamination, there are many other risks involved in fracking and also air pollution.  

The greatest threat posed by fracking is the contamination of drinking water wells which is a vital source of water for many rural communities. This can happen directly when casing fails or break during the process allowing for fracking fluid to enter the groundwater. This of course is a rare occurrence now but it was common back in the days (Harrabin, 2016). Even if the casing holds, there is a possibility of gas travelling through the fractures in the shale rock and migrate into the water table, also known as gas migration (GreenPeace, 2015). When such a situation occurs, it can make the water unfit for drinking. 

On one hand, it seemed to be an important source of energy that is just being wasted yet the impact it can have on the site area and groundwater can be dangerous. Is it worth the risk?

That brings me to the end of this post!

See you guys soon!



BBC. (2018, October 15). What is fracking and why is it controversial? Retrieved September 08, 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-14432401

GreenPeace. (2015). Fracking’s Environmental Impacts: Water. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/global-warming/issues/fracking/environmental-impacts-water/

Harrabin, R. (2016, October 06). Does fracking affect the water supply? Retrieved September 08, 2020, from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-37578189