Report Viva


  • The FYP Report Viva (also known as Thesis Viva) must be conducted during Weeks 12 and 13 of Semester 2.

Report Assessment

  • Your report and project will be assessed by:
    • Supervisor and Co-Supervisor (if any) [total 35% of the final grade]
    • Assessors [20% each, total 40% of the final grade]

Instructions for the Report Viva Session

  • Every student is to:
    • Organize a common date and time with both Assessors. You may use online tools such as the Doodle Poll.
    • Please note that the Supervisor and Co-Supervisor must not be present during the Report Viva session. Only the student and both assessors are to be in the Viva Session.
    • The viva session should be Face-to-Face, unless there are unavoidable circumstances. You may seek help from your Supervisor regarding this.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the supervisors and assessors to arrange for and conduct the session before the end of Week 13.

Aims of the Report Viva Session

  • Your assessors will gauge and assess your project and report according to a variety of criteria, including the quality of your written report, your level of understanding of the underlying theory, how substantial is your work and contribution, the level of your understanding of how, what and why your project was conducted the way that you did etc.


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