FYP Registration Form

FYP Registration Form

1. Please ensure that you have have sought the consent of your supervisors AND both assessors before filling this form.
2. Here, the Co-supervisor refers to another Faculty member that supervises the project and will grade it at the end. It does NOT refer to the postdoc or PhD student that may be in charge of guiding the project closely.
3. In case you change your mind after having sent the form, please e-mail the FYP coordinator.
4. Deadline of submission of this form: Friday of Week 1 of the semester
5. To fill this form your need: Name and Email of each supervisor and co-supervisors (if any), as well as the name of two assessors (seek consent before giving names).

Please indicate your year of matriculation
Have you satisfied the following requirements for embarking on an Honours FYP: (a) Fulfilled the requirements of one major at B.Sc. level, (b) Obtained a minimum overall CAP of 3.20; and (c) Accumulated at least 100MCs?
Did you file for Honours FYP project?
Will you have a Co-Supervisor?
Select one broad topic that describes your project the best (the physics which will mostly be applied in your FYP)

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