1st Presentation


  • The first oral presentation must be conducted during Weeks 8 and 9 of Semester 1.


  • It will not be graded, but it must be conducted. The student, supervisors and assessors will sign a 1st Oral Presentation Form that will be submitted to the Department.


  • Every student is to:
    • Organize a common date and time with the Supervisor, Co-Supervisor (if any), and both Assessors. You may use online tools such as the Doodle Poll.
    • A Face-to-Face presentation is strongly encouraged, because the graded presentations that will soon follow (2nd and Final Oral Presentations) are conducted only in a Face-to-Face format. You may seek help from your Supervisor to arrange for a physical venue.
    • However, if a Face-to-Face presentation is not possible, the presentation session may be conducted over Zoom. This has the disadvantage where you will not get to practise your presentation in the same format as the subsequent graded presentation sessions.
    • Each presentation should last 10~15 mins, followed by a 3~5 min Q&A session.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to reach out to the supervisors and assessors to arrange for and conduct the session before the end of Week 9, as well as to get everyone to sign the form. The student will then submit the form to Ms. Koh Siew Lee at the Physics Level-1000 Lab at S12-04-02.

Aims of the 1st Oral Presentation

  • You are not expected to present original results at this stage (although you can, if you have any).
  • There is no fixed format, but in your own way, you should articulate:
    • your understanding of the motivation of the project (background, aims and objectives),
    • the literature review (e.g. describe what has already been done in this topic, and what/how you propose to contibute to the existing body of work on this topic),
    • the approaches and tasks in your project
    • the expected results of your project (it is ok that this may or may not be achieved eventually; plans and results may change depending on the future situations)
    • your plans for the next few months.
  • This session will also allow both the assessors give constructive feedback for your work and your research plan.


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