
S/N Project Title Supervisor Co-Supervisor
1 Study of Gold Quantum Dots using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Andrivo Rusydi
2 Bi2O2Se-2D TMDCs heterogeneous stacked materials with focused laser beam engineering Sow Chorng Haur
3 Organic Solar Cells Png Rui Qi Peter Ho
4 Precision Ellipsometry Nikolai Yakovlev
5 Characterising highly oriented single-crystalline gold quantum dots using X ray diffraction for use in telecommunication Andrivo Rusydi
6 Spectroscopy Ellipsometry Andrivo Rusydi
7 Radiation-induced bystander effect in liver cell model Chen Ce-Belle Andrew Anthony Bettiol
8 Discovery of an Exoplanet orbiting a White Dwarf Abel Yang
9 Synthetic Aperture Radar Biomass Estimation using Machine Learning Liew Soo Chin
10 Nuclear Fusion – A Study of Turbulence Valerian Hall-Chen Hongjie Koh Wee Shing
11 Nuclear Fusion: Analytical Reduced Models Valerian Hongjie Hall-Chen Koh Wee Shing
12 Quantum Simulation on Rydberg Atom Arrays Loh Huanqian
13 Quantum error correction related to quantum-dot-qubitsand bosonic-qubits Ng Hui Khoon Koh Teck Seng
14 Absorption imaging of dense rubidium atomic cloud for non-linear optical interaction Christian Kurtsiefer
15 Method to detect Asymmetry in a Spatial Optical Mode Christian Kurtsiefer
16 Towards Atom-Photon Entanglement Christian Kurtsiefer
17 Mitigating the photorefractive effect in Lithium Niobate integrated optics Steven Touzard
18 Interactions between ultracold Indium atoms Travis Nicholson
19 Quantum Frequency Conversion LING Euk Jin, Alexander
20 Entanglement State Preparation & Conversion:  Creating Polarisation & Time-Bin Entanglement and Investigating the Feasibility of an Entanglement Transducer LING Euk Jin, Alexander
21 Improving fidelity of trapped ion quantum computer Dzmitry Matsukevich
22 Design of more robust architecture in superconducting quantum devices. Yvonne Gao
23 Multiband GW observation of binary inspirals: precessing case Alvin Chua
24 Orbital resonances in extreme-mass-ratio inspirals Alvin Chua
25 Variations on mode discrimination. Valerio Scarani
26 The location of the last stable orbit in black hole space-times Edward Teo
27 Supertranslations and Superrotations in General Relativity Edward Teo
28 Analytic and Numerical Study of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems Wang Qinghai
29 Rotating Detonation Engine Jiun Ming Jimmy Gong Jiangbin
30 Non-cocommutative Geometry Kuldip Singh
31 Physics in the Financial Market LEE CHING HUA
32 Casimir Effect in Graphene and related Systems Prof Wang Jian-Sheng
33 Early-Warning Signals for Tipping Points in Complex Climate Systems Lim Hock
34 Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks Ho Wen Wei
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