

Project Title
Understanding of Layer-by-layer Growth of High Temperature Superconductor Cuprates using in-situ Reflection High-Energy Electron Diffraction

A/Prof Andrivo Rusydi

Understanding spin and charge inhomogeneities in oxides heterostructure using resonant soft x-ray scattering
Understanding of 2-magnon Excitation in New Cuprate Heterostructure
Nucleating Magnetic Skyrmions in Multilayer Nanostructures

Asst/Prof Anjan Soumyanarayanan

Investigations into effects of deposition and reduction conditions on superconducting La0.8Ca0.2NiO2 thin films

A/Prof Ariando

Mitigation of radiation damage in avalanche photodiodes

A/Prof Alexander Ling

Towards a superconducting microbridge single photon detector

Prof Christian Kurtsiefer

Stabilization Of Near-Concentric High-Finesse Optical Cavity
Fibre Sensing
Quantum dynamics of nonlinear dissipative systems

Kwek Leong Chuan, Asst/Prof Yvonne Gao

Optimality of Entropic Uncertainty Relations

Prof Berthold-Georg Englert

Single Particle Exact Density Functionals
Simulating Atmospheric Dispersion using a Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model

Prof. Lim Hock

Bulk Photovoltaic Effect in Non-Centrosymmetric 2D Crystals

A/Prof. Eda Goki

First principles investigation of exchange interactions in Vanadium doped monolayer Tungsten Diselenide(WSe2)

Liviu Ungur, A/Prof Eda Goki

Surface Acceptor in Organic Solar Cells

Prof Peter Ho

Microwave synthesis of cobalt ferrite and the effects on its properties of magnetisation and magnetostriction

A/Prof Ramanathan Mahendiran

Magnetostriction of Microwave-Synthesized Co1-xNixFe2O4
Realising Defect-free Arrays of Hundreds of Atoms using Reconfigurable Tweezers

Asst/Prof Loh Huanqian

Implementing a backend for a quantum computing programming toolkit

A/Prof Dzmitry Matsukevich, Jain Rahui

Phase Chirp Effects in Optical Clocks

A/Prof Murray Douglas Barrett

Retrodiction as a Two Player Game

Prof Valerio Scarani

Magnetic Flux in High Q Quantum Systems

Asst/Prof Yvonne Gao

Edge Current And Angular Momentum In Electron Systems At Equilibrium

Prof Wang Jiansheng

Force-dependent conformations of single-stranded DNA

Prof Yan Jie

Quantum Entanglement & Response Theory

Dr. Yeo Ye

Reactor Analysis of High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR)

A/Prof Chung Keng Yeow, Xiao Sicong

Single proton detection for quantitative dosimetry in radiobiology experiments

A/Prof Andrew Bettiol

Characterising quantum emitters in diamond for single photon emission and magnetic sensing
Effects of high LET protons on cancer stem cells derived from a murine model of liver cancer

Dr. Chen Ce-Belle, A/Prof Thomas Osipowicz

Cosmological Rotating Black Hole Mimickers

Dr. Kenneth Hong Chong Ming

Can a gauge theory of gravity accommodate diffeomorphism invariance?

A/Prof Kuldip Singh

Radial Solutions to Geodesics of Kerr Black Holes

A/Prof Edward Teo

Multiple Black Holes in Kaluza-Klein Theory
Study on the Activation Functions of Deep Neural Networks

Asst/Prof Duane Loh

Statistical learning on MHz electron counting detectors
The Resistive Tearing Instability in Plasmas

Prof Lim Hock, A/Prof Chung Keng Yeow

Effects of Internal Non-Hermiticity on Translational Dynamics

Prof Gong Jiangbin

Studies on Partition Temperature Model

A/Prof Phil Chan Aik Hui, Prof Oh Choo Hiap

Short Term Solar Forecasting Using Statistical and Machine Learning Methods

Salinas Cortijo Santo Valenti, Dr. Liew Soo Chin

Optimization and Integration of Nano-aperture ion source (NAIS) in compact ion microscope

A/Prof Jeroen Anton van Kan

Quantifying Linear Energy Transfer (LET) Distribution Robustness in CNS Plans

Park Sung Yong, A/Prof Andrew Bettiol

The Cosmological Coincidence Problem

Dr. Ng Shao Chin, Cindy

Hubble Tension and its Potential Solutions
The Anthropic Principle and its Predictions
Speckle Modelling and Filtering for Improved Retrieval of Physical Scattering Properties from ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 Fully Polarimetric Data

Lee Ken Yong, Prof. Lim Hock

Inverse Laser Cavity Design

Asst/Prof Travis Lee Nicholson

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