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Timeline and Organisation
- The 2nd oral presentation will be conducted for all students on the Wednesday of Semester 2 Week 4, 1pm to 4pm.
- It will be centrally organized by the department, students do not need to organise the sessions.
- Students will be sorted into groups, and presentations will be conducted in parallel session at different venue (one group per venue).
- Further details will be provided via email closer to the date.
- It is graded by a panel of faculty members, and its weightage is 5% of the final grade.
- The presentation should last between 15 mins to 20 mins, followed by a 5 min Q/A session.
- Every student is to reach the assigned venue early, and ensure that their laptops may be connected to the projector screen at that venue.
- If you choose to use your personal laptop, ensure that you have a HDMI output available.
- If you choose to use the existing Desktop PC at the venue, please reach the venue early and inform the Session Chair.
Aims of the 2nd Oral Presentation
- By this stage, you should have performed a significant amount of work.
- Again, there is no fixed format, but in your own way, you should articulate:
- (as usual) the motivation (background, aims and objectives) and the approaches and tasks in your project
- the results that you have already obtained
- obstacles and limitations of your project, if any
- your plans for the next few weeks until the thesis submission deadline in Week 12.
- The panel of faculty members will gauge the progress that you have made up till this point in your project, and may give feedback on how to improve and refine your results that you have already obtained.