
PC4288 Honours Project in Physics for CHS Cohorts

For CHS students (cohorts of AY2021/22 and after), please read the graduation requirements (Physics as Primary Major) and the various pathways very carefully.

You may find the details at this website: https://www.physics.nus.edu.sg/student/major-in-physics/ (scroll to the bottom of the page).

There are 4 variants of PC4288 Honours Project in Physics:

  • PC4288 for Physics primary majors with no Specialisations
  • PC4288A for Physics primary majors with Specialisation in Astrophysics
  • PC4288N for Physics primary majors with Specialisation in Nanophysics
  • PC4288Q for Physics primary majors with Specialisation in Quantum Technologies

Each of the above variants of PC4288 is worth 8 units and must come from your Unrestricted Elective (UE) space.



This set of instructions is valid for students who are registering for the Physics Final Year Project in Semester 1 AY2024/25.

Holiday Period before Semester 1

  • Identify a supervisor among the Faculty members of the Physics Department. Seek his/her consent to supervise your FYP project.
  • Discuss with your supervisor and identify two suitable assessors for your project. Seek their consent to assess your project.
  • Note: You may choose to work with a main supervisor from outside the Physics Department. However, you must find a co-supervisor from the department.

Semester 1 AY2024/25

  • Week 1:  Submit the FYP Registration form online. [Deadline: Friday 14 August 2024
    • The form is found HERE
  • Weeks 8 to 9: First Oral Presentation (ungraded) will be conducted.
    • For details, see HERE.

Semester 2 AY2024/25

  • Week 4: Second Oral Presentation (5%) will be conducted on 05 February 2025 Wednesday, 1pm to 4pm.
    • For details, see HERE.
  • Week 12:  Submit your FYP Report.  [Deadline: 12 noon on Monday 07 April 2025]
    • For details, see HERE.
  • Weeks 12 to 13: Arrange for Report Viva with Assessors (40%). The viva is to be conducted within these two weeks.
    • For details, see HERE.
  • Week 13: Final Oral Presentation (20%) will be conducted on 16 April 2025 Wednesday, 1pm to 4pm.
    • For details, see HERE.
  • Note: The remaining 35% of the final mark is the grade awarded by the supervisor.
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