Keep Looking!

Hi all! I have been maintaining this boat as part of my GE4237 Environmental Pollution module. As the semester is coming to an end, it is time for me to say goodbye 🙁 . I would like to express deepest gratitude to all of you who have stuck with me thus far 🙂 . To end off this blog, I wanted to reflect on my journey with the blog post thus far. 

When I first started this blog, I was full of self-doubt because I have always tried to find the right answer to issues. However, pollution is a complex problem with many intersectional issues, and thus, it does not have one right answer. Hence, our actions on a certain pollution issue depend greatly on how we look at it. For instance, if we look at pollution issues just from the “zoomed out” global view, we miss out the disparities in pollution effects due to socio-economic status of the countries. If we just look at pollution issues from a global view, we may miss out the disparities in pollution effects felt in communities due to their socio-economic status within a country. 

Personally, the “What’s on the net” blog series was the most enlightening for me. In today’s day and age, we rely on the internet not only to gain knowledge, but also to find solutions to our problems. However, the internet is not perfect. The most accessible information on pollution online may not paint an accurate picture of the issue at hand because the algorithm that strives to give us optimal search results may be biased. As a student, I have always been careful to judge whether an online source is credible, but never really probed into how even credible data may be biased towards a certain geographic location because it is more well-researched than other areas. Hence,this blog series allowed me to think more critically before forming opinions on a certain subject matter.

I hope that my blog has inspired YOU to gain new perspectives as well! With that, I would like to leave you with my final parting words (on this blog of course):



Signing off,


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