It’s now been an hour, and I suspect I may have contracted spontaneous hyperthyroidism.
Rapid & irregular heartbeat? Check. Hand tremors? Check. Mood swings? Check. Trouble sleeping? Check. Weight loss? Check. Actually… no. If I had lost any more weight around the waist I’d probably look something like this:
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing considering how many models want this figure. Coupled with those lustrous locks(see above) and that killer smile(see above) maybe I could just be the next big thing in a few years, though more probably I’d be locked up in a musky history museum in a few million years with a dangling tag that reads “Obtuse Homo Sapien weeded out through natural selection“.
Of course that all depends if there will still be museums in a million years considering the rapid technological advancement trend these days we have but hey! there WON’T be museums in a million years because *gasps* WE WON’T LAST A MILLION YEARS at the rate we are perverting mother earth.
Yes, tragic. So while we still can, I sincerely hope we can salvage these highlights of life, and I hope this blog would not only bring joy into your tepid life, but hopefully convince you to hop on with us, rational human beings, and to take off that myopic brain-cloak. Meanwhile I’m thoroughly enjoying the Rio 2016 olympics and due to the time-zone difference there has been a bit of a problem with sleep cycles which resulted in those racoon-eyes as depicted in the portrait above. Yes, I have very small eyes. Till then.