OMG – It’s My First Post!

“Oh my God!”

What an increasingly apt response to the news we hear nowadays about our environmental crisis! An apt title it is for my blog too, it seems, as I seek to explore the link between a person’s religion and their stance on the environment and its issues.

Oh wait – I’ve gotten ahead of myself.

Hello, and welcome to my blog! I’m Dennis, and I am currently studying for the Bachelor of Environmental Studies at the National University of Singapore (NUS).

I am personally interested in wildlife conservation, particularly in urban cities where human-animal conflict is an important consideration.

This is me on one of my walks at MacRitchie!

So… why did I choose to blog about religion and the environment then? Well, my religion has been a big part of my life (I’m Christian), and since I started on my environmental journey four years ago, I’ve been exploring what Christianity has to say about humankind’s relationship with the environment. As a result, understanding how my faith and passion for the environment intertwine has bolstered my interest and drive for growth in both aspects of my life. Thus, when I had to think of a topic for this blog, I thought:

“Wouldn’t it be interesting to see if other people and religions thought the same as well?”

In that light, I will be looking at people from different religions to discover if their religion (or perhaps, not having a religion) has had an impact on their stance on the environment. I will then zoom in on the four main religions in Singapore – Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism – to find out what they have to say about the environment, and the sustainability of their current practices and what more can be done in the future.

Till next time!

– Dennis 🙂

(Cover photo: Simon Migaj from Pexels)

2 thoughts on “OMG – It’s My First Post!

  1. Hi Dennis! I support you and this and I think this is a really interesting angle that many have probably not thought about 🙂

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