People Ending Animal Cruelty and Exploitation

Our Latest Event – Success!


This lovely dolphin was present today at the NUS Central Library, marking our latest event – The Cove Movie screening!

She was brought along by the lovely people of ACRES, who took much time off their busy schedules to come down and set up the dolphin, a panel of information about the World’s Saddest Dolphins, and even a booth to sell some merchandise and also get students who were interested to do their bid to add to the pictures in support of the cause. I got a badge, that I’m going to proudly pin on my bag!

The movie started at 630, and though personally I’ve watched it before, it still gave me goosebumps and put a lump in my throat. The movie was a poignant reminder of how an ugly trade not belonging in the 21st century, was still thriving in the world today. The message was clear, that definitely no dolphins deserve to be out of their natural environment and kept simply for human pleasure, and that they deserve to be free and unharmed. The beauty and intelligence of these creatures, as is any other, can never be justified through mere words.

After the movie, we had another added honour of having ACRES’ Executive Director, Mr Louis Ng drop in for a dialogue session with all those present. He presented all the facts of that which have been happening with the local dolphins, and helped us understand better why we should be feeling aggrieved at the current situation with the RWS dolphins. He also entertained questions from all present.

In all, it was a very informative and productive session. And while today’s event might be a small part in a larger cause, each new soul that we might have impacted and left a message with, is another step forward in achieving the goal to see those 27 25 dolphins swim free once again. And hopefully someday soon, not a single dolphin nor a whale is ever harmed again.

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the ACRES Team and Louis Ng, for being so accommodating and working with us.
All our old and new friends, who took time off their schedules to come join us for the screening
And also all who took the right step forward with us.

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