Publications: 2021

20242023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 and before | Books and Book Chapters | Cover Arts Gallery | Google Scholar

Covers in 2021



35. Y. Yan, S. Liang, X. Wang, M. Zhang, S. Hao, X. Cui, Z. Li, Z. Lin, “Robust wrinkled MoS2/N-C bifunctional electrocatalysts interfaced with single Fe atoms for wearable zinc-air batteries”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America 118, e2110036118 (2021).

34. Y. Harn, S. Liang, S. Liu, Y. Yan, Z. Wang, J. Jiang, J. Zhang, Q. Li, Y. He, Z. Li, L. Zhu, H. Cheng, and Z. Lin, “Tailoring Electrocatalytic Activity of in-situ Crafted Perovskite Oxide Nanocrystals via Precise Size and Dopant Control”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America 118, e2014086118 (2021).

33. L. Gao, X. Cui, Z. Wang, C. D. Sewell, Z. Li, S. Liang, M. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Hu, Z. Lin, “Operando Unraveling Photothermal-Promoted Dynamic Active Sites Generation in NiFe2O4 for Markedly Enhanced Oxygen Evolution”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United State of America 118, e2023421118 (2021).

32. B. Dai, G. M. Biesold, M. Zhang, H. Zou, Y. Ding, Z. L. Wang, Z. Lin, “Piezo-phototronic effect on photocatalysis, solar cells, photodetectors and light-emitting diodes”, Chemical Society Reviews , 50, 13646 (2021).

31. M.Zhang, G. M. Biesold, Z. Lin, “A multifunctional 2D black phosphorene-based platform for improved photovoltaics”, Chemical Society Reviews , 50, 13346 (2021).

30. L. Gao, X. Cui, C. D. Sewell, J. Li, and Z. Lin, “Recent advances in activating surface reconstruction for the high-efficiency oxygen evolution reaction”, Chemical Society Reviews50, 8428 (2021).

29. B. Wang, G. M. Biesold, M. Zhang, and Z. Lin, “Amorphous inorganic semiconductors for the development of solar cell, photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic applications”, Chemical Society Reviews50, 6914 (2021).

28. Q. Zhang, X. Cui, S. Hao, Q. Zhang, Z. Guo, H. Li, Z. Lin, Y. Yang, “Chain engineering of carbonyl polymers for sustainable alkali metal-ion batteries”, Materials Today50, 170 (2021).

27. J. Yu, A. C. Wang, M. Zhang, Z. Lin, “Water Treatment via Non-membrane Inorganic Nanoparticles/Cellulose Composites”, Materials Today50, 329 (2021).

26. F. Liu, G. Biesold-McGee, M. Zhang, R. Lawless, J. P. Correa-Baena, Y. Chueh, Z. Lin, “Recycling and recovery of perovskite solar cells”, Materials Today43, 185 (2021).

25. Z. Li, M. Tang, S. Liang, M. Zhang, G. Biesold-McGee, Y. He, S. Hao, W. Choi, Y. Liu, J. Peng, Z. Lin, “Bottlebrush polymers: From controlled synthesis, self-assembly, properties to applications”, Progress in Polymer Science116, 101387 (2021).

24. B. Wang, H. Li, Q. Dai, M. Zhang, Z. Zou, J. L. Brédas, Z. Lin, “Robust Molecular Dipole-Enabled Defect Passivation and Control of Energy Level Alignment for High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition60, 17664 (2021).

23. S. Pan, J. Peng, Z. Lin, “Large-Scale Rapid Positioning of Hierarchical Assemblies of Conjugated Polymers via Meniscus-Assisted Self-Assembly”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition60, 11751 (2021).

22. Y. He, Y. Liang, S. Liang, Y.-W. Harn, M. Zhang, D. Shen, Z. Li, Y. Yan, X. Pang, Z. Lin, “Dual-Protected Metal Halide Perovskite Nanosheets with an Enhanced Set of Stabilities”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition60, 7259 (2021).

21. G. V. Biesold-McGee, S. Liang, B. Brettmann, N. Thadhani, Z. Kang, Z. Lin, “Tailoring Optical Properties of Luminescent Semiconducting Nanocrystals via Hydrostatic, Anisotropic Static, and Dynamic Pressures”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 60, 9772 (2021).

20. B. He, S. Jia, M. Zhao, J. Huang, Y. Wang, L. Lu, Z. Li, Z. Lin and X. Liu, “General and Robust Photothermal-Heating-Enabled High-Efficiency Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting”, Advanced Materials33, 2004406 (2021).

19. S. Liang, M. Zhang, G. V. Biesold-McGee, Y. He, Z. Li, D. Shen, Z. Lin, “Recent Advances in Synthesis, Properties, and Applications of Metal Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals/Polymer Nanocomposites”, Advanced Materials33, 2005888 (2021).

18. M. Ge, C. Cao, G. V. Biesold, C. D. Sewell, S. Hao, J. Huang, W. Zhang, Y. Lai, Z. Lin, “Recent Advances on Silicon-based Electrodes: From Fundamental Research towards Practical Application”, Advanced Materials33, 2004577 (2021).

17. J. Zhang, C. D. Sewell, H. Huang, Z. Lin, “Closing the Anthropogenic Chemical Carbon Cycle toward a Sustainable Future via CO2 Valorization”, Advanced Energy Materials11, 2102767 (2021).

16. S. Kang, G. Biesold, H. Lee, D. Bukharina, Z. Lin, and V. V. Tsukruk, “Dynamic chiro-optics of bio-inorganic nanomaterials via seamless co-assembly of semiconducting nanorods and polysaccharide nanocrystals”, Advanced Functional Materials31, 2104596 (2021).

15. X. Cui, L. Gao, S. Lei, S. Liang, J. Zhang, C. D. Sewell, W. Xue, Q. Liu, Z. Lin, and Y. Yang, “Simultaneously Crafting Single-Atomic Fe Sites and Graphitic Layer-Wrapped Fe3C Nanoparticles Encapsulated within Mesoporous Carbon Tubes for Oxygen Reduction”, Advanced Functional Materials31, 2009197 (2021).

14. M. Ye, G. M. Biesold, M. Zhang, W. Wang, T. Bai, Z. Lin, “Multifunctional Quantum Dot Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells: Charge Transport, Efficiency and Stability”, Nano Today40, 101286 (2021).

13. S. Hao, S. Liang, C. D. Sewell, Z. Li, C. Zhu, J. Xu, and Z. Lin, “Lithium-Conducting Branched Polymers: New Paradigm of Solid-State Electrolytes for Batteries”, Nano Letters21, 7435 (2021).

12. X. Li, Y. Liu, H. Chen, M. Yang, D. Yang, H. Li, and Z. Lin, “Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries with Outstanding Cycling Stability Enabled by Ultrafine FeNi Nanoparticles-Encapsulated N-doped Carbon Nanosheets as Bifunctional Electrocatalysts”, Nano Letters21, 3098 (2021).

11. Z. Li, Z. Lin, “Self-Assembly of Bolaamphiphiles into 2D Nanosheets via Synergistic and Meticulous Tailoring of Multiple Noncovalent Interactions”, ACS Nano. 15, 3152 (2021).

10. W. Xue, Q. Zhou,* X. Cui, S. Jia, J. Zhang, Z. Lin, “Metal–organic frameworks-derived heteroatom-doped carbon electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction”, Nano Energy. 86, 106073 (2021).

9. T. Wang, Y. He, Y. Liu, F. Guo, X. Li, H. Chen, H. Li, and Z. Lin, “A ZIF-triggered Rapid Polymerization of Dopamine Renders Co/N-codoped Cage-in-Cage Porous Carbon for Highly Efficient Oxygen Reduction and Evolution”, Nano Energy79, 105487 (2021).

8. C. D. Sewell, Z. Wang, Y. Harn, S. Liang, L. Gao, X. Cui, Z. Lin “Tailoring oxygen evolution reaction activity of metal-oxide spinel nanoparticles via judiciously regulating surface-capping polymers”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A9, 20375 (2021).

7. Q. Liu, Z. Xiao, X. Cui, S. Deng, Q. He, Q. Zhang, Z. Lin, Y. Yang “Conjugated cyclized-polyacrylonitrile encapsulated carbon nanotubes as core–sheath heterostructured anodes with favorable lithium storage”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A9, 6962 (2021).

6. S. Liang, M. Zhang, Y. He, Z. Kang, M. Tian, M. Zhang, H. Miao, Z. Lin “Polymer-ligated uniform lead chalcogenide nanoparticles with tunable size and robust stability enabled by judiciously designed surface chemistry”, Chemistry of Materials33, 6701 (2021).

5. Z. Li and Z. Lin “Two-Dimensional Polymers: Synthesis and Applications”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces13, 38 (2021).

4. G. M. Biesold, S. Liang, B. K. Wagner, Z. Kang, Z. Lin, “Continuous production of ultrathin organic–inorganic Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite nanoplatelets via a flow reactor”, Nanoscale ,13, 13108 (2021).

3. J. Lee, J. Yang, S. Lone, Z. Lin, J. Y. Park, and S. Hong, “Enabling the Selective Detection of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals via Molecularly Surface Imprinted “Coffee-Rings””, Biomacromolecules22, 1523 (2021).

2. Z. Li, J. Peng, Z. Lin, “One-Dimensional Hairy CNT/Polymer/Au Nanocomposites via Ligating with Amphiphilic Crosslinkable Block Copolymers”, Giant5, 100048 (2021).

1. Z. Li and Z. Lin, “Recent Advances in Polysaccharide-based Hydrogels: from Synthesis to Applications”, Aggregates2, e21 (2021).

20242023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 and before | Books and Book Chapters | Cover Arts Gallery | Google Scholar